Chapter 1: Beacon and the Fire

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Your Pov at age 6

(Y/n) that is the title placed upon to me now you might be wondering why the fuck is this kid talking weirdly? Well my parents aren't exactly the ones who love and adore there child.... No they had me for an experiment of course they didn't treat me like an animal they did give me free time to play and whatever but there wasn't any birthdays or holidays to celebrate no every day was the same.

Now they didn't neglect or abuse me no but they didn't treat me like a child either more as a dog they would train me feed me and when I am done after doing the things they ask for I get to do whatever as long as I don't run away.... Remember the "They didn't neglect or abused me" part? Well that's half true when it's free time they don't interact with me unless I either attempt to leave or do something that causes them trouble they then lets say punish me but that's mostly slapping me or taking away free time.

I did at one point "had" siblings but they just didn't make it. They weren't killed or anything but boredom got the better of them and it crushed their Will power which than led them to losing any sanity left in them. In my whole life I have only seen my parents cried two times the first was when all my siblings died and the second... well the second time was what led me to leave what happen was simple magic council found out and attacked. They new there was no escaping.... for them at least there was for me so they let me go... I think somewhere inside there hearts they did love me I guess no matter tho I still have to survive...


It's been a year now and I am now seven years old my magic has been developing rapidly as of recently. There is a problem however it's just raw magic no element type thing yet and don't have proper combat style yet either. Right now I was passing by what I think people called a guild hall and saw inside a pink hair child scream at a naked kid while breathing fire out of his mouth...

Pinky: Fire dragon roar!

A small breath of fire comes out and hits the other kid making a mess...

(Y/n): What a weird guild....

Fire dragon? Hmmmm interesting seems it has some punch to it... guess I know what I am learning.

I than went to a local library and started looking over all the books about dragon slayers...

Later that day I had all the information on dragon slayers and went into an empty abandoned building to practice in....


That was easy..... thought it would take longer or perhaps this magic is over rated but it will have to due. I was passing by the guild hall again because I remembered there was a bakery near by that I would like to try till...

???: HEY YOU!

I turn around to see pinky with the other kid earlier along with a strawberry girl and thee shortest old man ever behind him confused.

(Y/n): Can I help you?

Pinky than runs up to me and stops a few inches away.

Pinky: Your a dragon slayer too aren't you!!!

Hmmm must have picked up my dragon odor

(Y/n): Yep I'm a fire dragon slayer

Pinky them had a big smile plastered on his face with stars in his eyes..... is this true fear that I am feeling?

Pinky: I am one to! Exactly the same kind! What dragon taught you!?!

(Y/n): No Dragon sorry self taught a few hours ago

Pinky: Oh.... Wait! Self taught!?!

(Y/n): Yep

Pinky: Man that must mean you are really strong so let's FIG- Ahugh!

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