"who are you?" lizzie and josie asked syncing their words "hey! stop copying me" they both shout at each other "josie! let me talk!" lizzie says turning back towards me "my name is juliet" the little teen says as she looks at the twins "i'm lizzie saltzmen and this is josie saltzmen" lizzie says flipping her blonde hair behind her shoulder "are you a vampire or wolf?" josie asked timidly "neither i'm not a witch either" juliet says narrowing her eyes at the twins "i'm like you, i'm a siphoner" Juliet says bringing a hand to her necklace making her hand glow red
"are you joining our school? is that why your here?" lizzie asked "no i'm not my family is busting my twin sister, my family dosnet know i'm a siphoner they think i'm human" juliet says "whose your sister?" the twins spoke in sync again "Josie!" "Lizzie!" they yelled at each other "hope she's a witch" Juliets sighs looking grim at the sound of her sisters name "ugh hope" lizzie scoffs "she trains with our father" josie says "please don't tell anyone about me, no one knows about my magic other than my grandmother and  few people in New Orleans" Juliet begs the two girls "grandmother, i thought  hope didn't have any isn't your mom an orphan and your dads like really old" lizzie questions "well- that's another part of me i talk and see those who have passed" juliet looks down to scared to see the girls reactions "like dead people" lizzie squeals "wait so you can see dead people like humans that are dead or supernaturals that have died" josie asked looking hopeful "either or i can see both, there's a woman whose been following us the entire time, she as black hair with blue eyes" Juliet says looking back at the woman who stood behind lizzie " i think it's bio mom josie-" lizzie is cut of my juliet grabbing her hand while dragging josie along both girls becoming shocked when they see a woman beside them "lizzie, Josie?" she asks "Hi Josette" juliet says smiling lightly at the woman "mom?" josie asks tilting her head to the side "my girls we won't have much time so i want you to know that iv always been there for you two watching you girls grow up and i'm so thankful for caroline she's raising you two perfectly." joe had a hand on both the girls shoulder as she kneeled to their height "thank you mom" the girls said in sync once again both shooting glares off at each other "sorry i can't hold the link much longer" juliet looks at joe with a said smile "thank you juliet for helping them see me" joe says as she dispersed from lizzie and josie sight, the girls turning towards juliet to say thank you, only to see her body falling through the air towards them. "juli-" lizzie says as the twins both caught the girl who slumps against them unconscious "lizzie what do we do!" josie panicked as they set her down on the ground "we could carry her to the gilbert clinic? it not far" lizzie says looking at juliet who lays on the forest floor "and drop her in the town square? or have everyone stare at us" josie says thinking logically "josie stay here and i'll go see if aunt elena can help us" lizzie says before running off towards elenas clinic
"aunt elena, are you here?" lizzie says walking into the gilbert clinic "lizzie? what are you doing here?" elena came out from the office her short hair swishing as she moves towards her niece "josie and i have a small problem and we can't pick her up" lizzie says grabbing elenas hand and dragging her towards the woods "josie! i have aunt elena with me!" lizzie says "lizzie, josie  what did you do to her and who is she" Elena says getting to her knees and feeling the girls pulse "umm we can't tell you because we swore we would keep her secret. Elena struggle to get her off the ground but she managed to pick up the small teen but gasps and almost drops her when she sees Stefan standing in front of her "Stefan!" she shouts making lizzie and Josie jump and look at her " Elena your draining her even more when you talk to him i know it's hard but it's best for you ignore anyone you see"josies says as her a lizzie began walking
It had been 10 minutes and Juliet was lying on a bed in the clinic with Lizzie and Josie by her side and Elena had checked her all was good they were waiting for her to wake up. Juliet stirs in her sleep as she woke up and sat up with the help of josie "josie, lizzie where are we?" she asks looking around a freezing when she's sees a friend "Katherine!" Juliet jumps off the bed and hugs the woman "wait.." Juliet says backing away "i'm so sorry! your not Katherine i'm sorry!" Juliet shook her head "you know Katherine?! girls who is this" Elena looked alarmed "my name is Juliet, i'm a siphoner witch like the twins, you must be Elena iv read about you in my' family's' journals " Juliet says the word family with disregard "whose your family Elena asked nervously "unfortunately, i share the same blood as Hope and our family is the original family but i'm the out cast of the family , they believe i'm human so i understand if you want me to leave immediately i will but know this Elena i'm no threat and i'm like the family i come from" Juliet bows her head letting her hair fall over her face "it's alright i understand Juliet and your welcome to stay but could you understand why when i was holding you i saw people that i knew were dead were standing around here?" Elena asked "along with my siphon powers i was born with the ability see  those who aren't on this earth anymore , katherine a woman whose been dead sense i was  a child whom i never met when she was alive i can see her , and when someone touches me they are able to see the dead as well but it drains my power quickly and most time i pass out" Juliet says as she twists a ring on her finger "well thank you for letting the girls see joe i'm sure it meant a lot to them" elena smiles sweetly at the young teen " it was no problem, i have one request of you Elena , please mer everything iv told you between you and the twins not many people know that i'm not a human so please don't tell anyone , you may tell you husband if he to can keep it a secret" Juliet looks up at the woman with pleading eyes "of course Juliet and if you ever need anything here's my number and the girls wrote their numbers on the back as well "thank you three so much and i'll reach out to you so you will have my number as well but unfortunately i have to leave , my family is on their way back from the school to get me and return home" Juliet have each of the girls a hug and Elena as well. They all watched as the girl left out the door and turned the corner.
"Lizzie, Josie i'm assuming your parents don't know you snuck off?" Elena asked praying she didn't have to deal with an angry Caroline "nope!" they both said "Lizzie!" "Josie!"they shout "of course" elena rolls her eyes getting her phone out but sets it back onto the counter "girls! stop fighting or i'm calling your mom" elena says crossing her arms but the girl just kept arguing. Elena walks over to the two girls and pulls them apart...

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