Without so much as a goodbye, the pair snuck off down through the cold building toward the parked cars.

"Behz drove me this morning so we can take your car, I'll drive if you're still not feeling great"

Olivia mouthed a thank you before handing over her keys to Harry. Her car, while similar in size to Harrys Range Rover he disliked driving in a car that wasn't his beloved Evoque. His relationship with the car was almost as tumultuous as the relationship between him and Olivia. Although he probably would have if he could have, he was not planning on proposing to the car at a restaurant later in the day.

The pair sat on the light-coloured interior of the Mercedes GLS and turned on the heating to warm the car up. Harry fumbled with his phone for a moment before playing the playlist that they both knew all too well.

'Haz and Livs Summer Driving Tunes!" Olivia smiled

"Worst playlist name ever" Harry scrunched up his face

Olivia shrugged "Meh, we were 17"

"I need to admit something," Harry said turning to Olivia


"I hate the nickname Haz, like really really dislike it, it's worse than Bog. I only let you call me it because, well, it was you" he laughed

Olivia widened her mouth "Harry Christopher George Lewis. You have gone nearly 7 years and not cracked a light. Does anyone else know this?"

"Literally everyone. It's become a running joke actually, whenever you call me it in front of the boys JJ has to bite his tongue so hard" he laughed as he switched on the engine and pulled away from the rest of the parked cars.

Olivia shook her head "Well since we're admitting things. I wasn't that drunk the first night we went back to yours and I text Jess saying I wished we had. Well you know"

Harry bit the tip of his tongue with his teeth before bursting into another fit of laughter "Yeah I already knew that"

"Did Jess tell you!"

"I saw your texts. For someone so smart you do incredibly stupid things" he joked

Olivia sighed and pulled her legs up to her chest, not even caring if her shoes dirtied the beige cover on the seat, finally feeling better than she had all day. Laughing with Harry made every bad day she had seem to melt away.

"Food?" Harry asked

"Food" Olivia agreed

"Okay good cause when you were grabbing your bag I booked Nobu"

"You dick. We can't go like this" Olivia said gesturing to her outfit

"Yeah I know Cal picked our outfits, so we don't have to stress when we get back to the house and you already look nice anyway" he shrugged

"If that man is rifling around in my underwear drawer you will be witness to murder"

Harry let a smirk creep onto his face as he dropped a hand onto Olivia's thigh.

After getting dressed into the surprisingly nice outfits Cal had picked for the pair they headed back out to the restaurant. Harry took hold of Olivia's hand and intertwined his fingers with his. He could feel the nerves building up in his stomach, but he tried to squash them to the best of his ability. Arriving at the fancy restaurant they were seated in a secluded booth part, away from prying eyes.

As Olivia sorted herself in her seat Harry couldn't imagine being with anyone more beautiful than her. She was so effortlessly gorgeous, her hair always seeming to look perfect even on her harder days when she didn't have the energy to wash it, everything always looked on purpose with her, and although she didn't have the confidence to own it, she made it look as though she did, making Harry look ridiculous in comparison.

Our Little Secret - Harry Lewis, WroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now