A mason jar of whiskey

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~Frank's POV~

Thoughts were raging through my mind, it was like my heart, brain and dick were all caught in a wildfire. I needed to escape whatever feeling I was having right now. Not him.

Why did it have to be him? I find myself in these situations and it always turns sour before it hits it's high. My heart hurts. My head hurts. My stomach-

My thoughts were interrupted with a puke like mixture of alcohol and bile rose from my stomach. I turned my head and the vomit escaped. And it escaped. And it escaped. I shook and held my stomach. I remembered what happened in intervals and right now I was at tipping point as I remember the feeling of Gerard on my lips. I remember how it felt better than Andy ever did.

Now confused and scared I look to Gerard, leaning over him to see the tears streaming down his face. Thinking of the scene around me is decide it'd be best to keep calm and hold my tongue, even though it would be more accurate to say I wanted to hold Gerard's tongue with mine.

Maybe I'm just a mess. Maybe Andy was right. I couldn't possible have feelings towards Gerard. I'm a monster and I don't want to ruin him... Hold on. If I don't want to ruin him I must care. Well yeah I guess he could die by my hand and I don't want another body to have on my conscience. Maybe there's something more.

I wiped my mouth and unsure of what I was doing, climbed on top of Gerard, attaching our lips. I pulled away abruptly and wiped his face. "Don't you fucking dare cry you fucking fag you're too fucking good for that." Gerard was beyond confused and to be honest so was I.

But when he opened his mouth and began to speak I took no shame in re-attaching our lips. The shot of electricity surging through my veins was enough to make me keep going. I would make sure he wouldn't ask me what we were or what I was doing. I don't know the fucking answer. He didn't even seem to mind the taste of vomit too much but honestly, either did I. I mainly only ever consume alcohol and on occasion cum, I soak my apples in fucking rum. I'm not saying I'm an emo shit but basically, kissing me in this state is like licking the rim of a mason jar filled with whiskey.

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