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Jisoo's POV

Jisoo have just done talking to the leaders of each cities and provinces of the country.And it did go well.She walked outside,Jennie clapped at her.

"You did great."Jennie praised her.Jisoo held her hand.

"I'm doing great because of this beautiful girlfriend slash bodyguard beside me.Shes just the best."Jisoo said.Jennie pinched his nose.

"You're exaggerating it."

"Who said I did?It's true!Right guys?"Jisoo said,asking the other guards with them who gave him a thumbs up."See?They're agreeing!"

"You'll do everything just to prove your point,don't you?"

"Of course I need to.I'm the emperor."He said and winked,which he failed miserably making her girlfriend laughed."I should have a teacher on winking."Jisoo said and pouted.Jennie then pinched his cheeks.

"You're so adorable."Jennie said.

"Do I look like a squishy toy to you?"


"What?"Jennie just laughed and they walked together at the car.They went back at the palace.

"Stay still here at the room.I'm just gonna change my clothes."Jennie said and softly patted Jisoo's head,who was smiling at her.

"Yes ma'am!"Jisoo said and even did a salute.Jennie smiled and left him at the room.Soon someone approached Jisoo.

"Your majesty."The guy said.

"Jinhwan dude come here!You can just call me Jisoo like before."

"Okay."Jinhwan sat next to him."Let's go somewhere."

"Where-ahh!"He groaned when he felt a stinging pain in his shoulder.Jinhwan injected something on him.

"Where you'll die,your highness."Jinhwan said and he grinned.He called up his bodyguard to help him sneak Jisoo outside.He injected some drug to Jisoo to cause his hallucinations.

"Where are we going?"He looked at Jinhwan,who looked like Jin in his eyes."Hyung?Hyung where are we going?Hyung where will we go?"He asked.Jinhwan just shrugged and went to a secret exit,that only royals know.This exit was made that if they're in danger,they can use it.Just in time,Jennie went back to Jisoo's room,but he didn't saw the latter.

"Jisoo?Jisoo where are you?"She asked.But she didn't hear any answer.Her instincts told her to open her phone and to look at Jisoo's necklace where a camera is,which she did.She just saw a car.

"Where are you bringing me?Hyung?Appa?Eomma?"She heard Jisoo's voice.

"What the hell is happening?!"

"You'll soon see them for real later on,Jisoo.So just chill and relax there."She heard another voice,which she clearly knows who owns.

"Jinhwan!"She immediately run to her room to get her safety gears and her gun,going at the parking lot,chosing a motorcycle.She gathered the guards."I need your help here.The emperor needs us,so let's do everything to save him.Just follow me,I know where he is."

"Yes ma'am!"She ride the motorcycle as she follows the tracker.Meanwhile,Jisoo and Jinhwan arrived at a field,an empty field.The guard kicked Jisoo at the ground.Jisoo looked up,and now he saw Jinhwan's face.

"Jinhwan?What are we doing here?Where's hyung,appa and Eomma?"He asked.

"You dumbass.They aren't here you're just in drugs.And,you'll die here."

"What?Why are you doing this?"

"To be the emperor.I'm the rightful owner of the throne.Your dad promised to my father before her/ died that I'll be the heir of the throne!But what did he do?He broke that promise!"He shouted angrily.

"You can just ask me for that."Jinhwan scoffed.

"You think I'll believe you?You're a liar just like your father!"

"Ahh!"Jisoo groaned when the guy kicked his stomach.

"That's not enough."Jinhwan hold his collar,standing him up then punched his face hard.Then,Jennie came with the other guards and policemen.

"Hands up Prince Jinhwan you're under arrest!"The police shouted.

"Go get him out of here I'll distract them."He told the bodyguard.

"Okay sir."Jisoo was having a hard time to move,because of the drugs injected to him.

"Hey don't get him!"Jennie shouted as she tried to run towards Jisoo but Jinhwan fired his gun.

"If I can't have the throne no one else can."He whispered.But then some guards attacked him causing him to fall down,then Jennie run towards Jisoo then kicked the guard's face.

"Jisoo!"Jennie said as she hugged Jisoo."Are you okay?"Jennie asked and he nodded.

"I'm not yet done with you!"Jinhwan shouted and fired the gun on his hand.


Jennie fell down,he caught the bullet for Jisoo.Jisoo reached for her as he tried to sat up.

"N-No...please wake up..I can't loose you too I'm begging you!"


One part left!

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