xviii. pogue style

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After they checked on Sarah, the four drove back to The Wreck, deciding to spend the night there in case any officers came to their houses

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After they checked on Sarah, the four drove back to The Wreck, deciding to spend the night there in case any officers came to their houses.

The next morning, Quinn woke up to the booth she was sleeping in shaking. She groaned slightly, opening her eyes and saw JJ and Pope in the seats across the booth from her, kicking her to wake her up.

When she sat up, both Pope and JJ gave her big smiles. Quinn glared at them, still tired from her lack of sleep and how uncomfortable the booth was. Pope tilted his head at her angry express as JJ sighed, trying to annoy her. "Good morning, sunshine." Quinn squinted at the boys, giving them a sarcastic smile as Pope got out of the booth beside JJ, sliding into Quinn's side, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

Three police cars passed the restaurant, making JJ groan. "He's pinched for sure, man." Quinn instantly shook her head as Kie came over from the counter. "No. They wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught him." JJ sighed at her words, leaning his head back. "Let's hope."

Kie leaned on the table, raising her brows at her three friends. "You know, we were in that car. They're probably looking for us, too." Pope sighed, looking up at Kie as he shrugged. "Well, if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B." He mumbled before getting out of the booth, grabbing his backpack.

Quinn furrowed her brows at him as he started walking out of the restaurant. "So, find him before they do?"

Pope didn't answer her question, continuing to walk out of the restaurant, making the other three follow after. "Pope?" JJ called out as Pope walked towards JJ's red motorbike.

"I'm gonna get gas for the boat." Pope called out over his shoulder to the three. Quinn jogged over to him just before he started the bike.

"Hey, you be careful. Okay?" Quinn mumbled, her hand on Pope's shoulder. Pope nodded, quickly leaning down and kissing her. "Meet me at the dock at three. Don't be late." Quinn nodded and Pope sent her one last nod before riding off.

JJ and Kie watched the scene from the stairs but JJ raised his hand. "So uh... What was that?" Quinn rolled her eyes, turning to JJ and Kie. "Let's just continuing packing up, alright?"


"Do you think we got enough food for them?" Quinn asked as she, JJ and Kie walked out of The Wreck and towards Kie's car to put away everything John B needed for his getaway. JJ shrugged as he put the boxes in the trunk. "I mean, for a couple of weeks, and that's all they need, so..."

"Where you been?" An all too familiar voice called out, making Kie freeze. The three turned around to the voice and saw Kie's mom and Henry standing in front of them. Quinn sighed, walking towards her dad. "We're fine. I slept here, dad."

Henry sighed angrily, crossing his arms. "Well, we were up half the night, scared to death, lookin' for you. Your mother is searching the Cut looking for you."

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