☆🐣 𝔞Ř𝐞 ⓨ𝐨U 𝓸𝐤𝓐𝐲 🐧🐠

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benny got drunk and he bumped into you on his way home and you let him stay at your house for the night  


ൠ♜ ¥ⓞ𝕌R 𝐩o𝕧♤♨

i was on my way home from a long day of work when i felt someone bump into me when i turned to see who it was so i can say sorry i dont see anything but i hear someone on the ground and when i look down i see was really cute man " oh i'm so sorry i didnt mean to be in your way" i said giving him a hand to get up " i-its fineeeee hahaha" the man said giggling i could smell alcohol on him breath " i'm y/n " i told him " well hellooooo y/n thats a really nice name" he said smiling " where you  off to " i asked him " home but i dont remember where i live" he said looking around " oh okay if your fine with it you can stay at my house" i told him " really yeah if its fine" he said " yeah its fine just follow me" i told him walking the way to my house.

time skip to when you get to your house 

" okay we're here" i say opening the door to my house and my dog d/n ( dog name ) ran up to me and benny " doggy doggy doggy" benny said to d/n they looked at him like he was crazy then ran of "are you hungry " i asked him walking in the house " yeah " he said sitting down on the couch " okay i'll making something" i say making my way to the kitchen.

 when i was done making food i make my way to the couch to give it to benny " here you go i hope-" when i looked at benny i seen that he had fell asleep,i couldn't help but stare the way he looked so calm when he was sleeping and the small snores leaving his mouth.

i put his food on the coffee table then went to get a blanket when i came back to the living room and i put the blanket on him then got ready for bed.

time skip to the morning

i wake up to the sound of moaning and groaning coming from the living room i got scared thinking that  benny got hurt so i ran to the living room only to see benny on the floor with his hand on his head " hey are you okay" i asked making my way to him " yeah i'm fine " he said getting up " here i'll get you some water and pain killers " i say to him walking away.

 "here" i say giving him the pain killers and water  " thank you so much, how bad was i" he asked " not that bad and no need  " i say sitting down next to him  " i know this might be a bad time and we dont really know each other but i would like to take you somewhere as a thank you" he said looking at me "yeah sure i haven't been out in so long"  

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