Start from the beginning

"What are you doing here, Klaus?" Stefan asked moving Jeremy out the way. I finally get up and go towards the door.

"Well, for starters, young Jeremy here could show some manners and invite me inside." He then looks at me and smirks. "or my sweet Gabriella will force me an invite."

I roll my eyes and walks into the home. "I'm not helping with jack, he pissed me off so do as you please." Damon walks over to the door as I walk into the kitchen.

"Well hello there Ms. Bennett." I smile and hug Bonnie. "Are you okay?" I asked seeing her old onto her neck.

She hugs me back then we both pull away. "My neck hurts but I'll be okay."

"Where's Jae? I'm surprised she's not lingering onto you." I said as I grab and apple from the isle and washes it off.

"She's probably sleeping, she doesn't know what's going on." Bonnie said.

"Sounds about right." We both laugh and I kiss her cheek. "See ya Bons, duty calls." I bite the apple then walk back outside with Klaus.

"Oh, I know all about my mother's invulnerable little creation and that's why I'm here. Gabriella and I are leaving town, and I just need to pick up a few road trip necessities. Spare tire, flashlight, doppelgänger." Nik said smirking at the brothers.

"Can't help you there." Damon says then he looks at me. "But you Ella are welcomed in anytime you want." I smile then Damon claps Stefan on the shoulders, pulls him back, and shuts the door on Klaus.

"They showed you." I laugh then sit down on the steps.

"The isn't funny we need to leave." Klaus paces the front porch. He stops and picks up the newspaper by the front door, then looks at me and smirks.

"Klaus don't you dare." I said and he pulls me away from the porch and onto the yard. Klaus paces with the newspaper still in his hands.

"I'm getting Elena one way or another." Klaus pull back his arm and throw the newspaper at the window with vampire strength. The newspaper smashes through the window and flies into the living room.

"Bloody hell Nik! Just don't kill Bonnie or Jeremy or Stefan....but, Damon......have at it." I said patting his shoulder and smiling.

He smirks at me then looks back at the house. "I think you're probably gonna want to let me in!" He yells and walks away. He walks over to a neighbor's house with a white picket fence. He places his hands on the fence and looks around. He sees a soccer ball and smiles. "Gabriella, ever played soccer love?"

"No, but whatever you're about to do.....count me in cause this actually seems fun." I jump the neighbors fence and grabs the ball. Klaus breaks off two pieces of the fence and we go back into the yard. I kick the ball with my wolf strength and the front door bursts open and the soccer ball flies in. "SCORE!" Me and Klaus walks up the porch, he has one piece of the fence and I have the other. He hurls one of the pickets into the house and it narrowly misses Damon's head and gets stuck in the wall behind him. I see Stefan grab Jeremy and Bonnie and pulls them down.

"Missed me!" Damon yells as he pulls the picket out of the wall and throws it back at Klaus. The picket just grazes over his shoulder and I move to the side. I then break the other picket in two and throws half of it at Damon again, but instead I hit a picture and it breaks.

"Really Gabriella! You missed me again!" Klaus aims the last picket into the house, still missing Damon.

"Let's just say now that their safe, I'm still pissed at you!!!!" I yelled and never even noticed Klaus coming back up to the house with a propane tank and a newspaper torch. "Where the bloody hell did you even get that?"

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