Instead of trying to just run , I punched him in the face.

I tried to make a run for it , but instead he grabbed me just before I could get away.

His nose was bleeding , and it leaked on to my shirt.

I could see I definitely triggered him with that one.

I felt a strong punch come across my face. Next thing I know , I hit the ground.

I just started getting beat on.

Leo slipped something into my mouth. He kept shaking my head forcing me to swallow it.

He stood up and dusted himself off.

" Ima get that ass next time !" He yelled at me getting in his car.

He sped off , and just like that he was gone.

I touched my cheek. I felt a scratch on it.

I looked down at my hand , and blood was all over it.

I could feel that I had a bruise on my arm too.

I tried to stand up quickly without hurting anything else.

I heard someone yelling out.

I just felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier.

My vision started getting blurry.

The voice got closer , and clearer.

" Michelle ! I'm coming !" Yelled somebody who kept getting closer to me.

The person ended up being Brandy. The closer she got , the more I could tell who it was.

Once she reached me , I hit the ground. My knees just gave out.

" Michelle , listen to me !" She yelled grabbing onto my face.

" Whatever you do you cannot fall asleep ! What did he give you ?" She asked me trying to stand me up.

" I don't know ..." I said quietly.

The effects of whatever he put in me started to come into my system.

" You gotta get up dawg ! We have to go !" She said pulling me up.

She carried me over to her car.

I was out of it.



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