"It got so bad that they wanted that?!" Lilith says in disbelief.

       "Any last vestiges of hope are crushed into tiny nubbins as subjects undergo a CK-Class Total Containment Failure, finally expelling the contents of their bowels in a magnificent riptide that could be best compared to a single, large leak in the Hoover Dam: an unfathomably vast expense of liquid ejected at a rate fast enough to be upsetting, but not fast enough to be merciful."

       Now it was Dr. Rights turn to vomit.

       "Subjects have described the experience as the digestive equivalent of one's life flashing before their eye, with every meal eaten during an individual's lifetime excruciatingly funnelled out in reverse chronological order."

       "How is that even possible?!" Iris asked.

       "It's not, it's an SCP for a reason." Dr. Clef answers.

        The view then switches to show a bathtub full of waste and multiple Foundation researchers wearing hazmat suits taking samples from it. "The downright baffling amount of waste produced by the afflicted has led researchers to conclude that subjects' intestinal tracts are imbued with extradimensional or ectoentropic properties during this time. Ejected waste does not resemble good, wholesome fecal matter in the slightest. Rather, it is a roastawful terrorslush that is probably corrosive and almost definitely radioactive. The expulsion stage is usually fairly brief, but an anomalous temporal field created by SCP-666 ½ -j causes subjects to perceive the experience as lasting roughly six lifetimes."

      And like that Dr. Clef, Dr. Kondraki, and Dr. Bright finally broke and vomited into their buckets.

       The view then switches to show a Foundation researcher lying on the ground, looking and feeling dead, though she is still alive. "As the subjects ability to endure the emotional and physical trauma of the end of days inferno raging within their tenderest parts inevitably fails, Scp-666 ½-j will enter its final stage: a UK-Class Universal Collapse scenario, in which the subject experiences one final crescendo of gastric ragnarok followed by a blessed, merciful state of unconsciousness. Subjects will awaken one to two hours later with full memory of their experience; however, a number of afflicted individuals have reported finding themselves moved from one location to another during the time of passing out and regaining consciousness."

      "Finally! It's over!" Epon practically shouts.

      The view then switches to show a researcher lying in the middle of an open field. "One researcher testified to having found himself in a nearby field, clean and fully dressed, and laying atop a pile of 1986 Time magazines with no memory of how he arrived there." The view then switches to show many researchers talking with the Foundation's head psychologist, Dr. Glass. "Subjects who undergo Scp-666 ½-j's effects often bear psychological trauma from the event as well as residual intestinal discomfort for the following fortnight."

       "Wow all of that because of an extreme case of the shits." 035 says bluntly.

       "An apocalyptic case is more like it." Iris says. "You're just a Mask, you shouldn't be judging others about going through this when you can't even eat or shit."

      The view then switches back over to the man in the dark room as he pulls out four recording devices each having a labelled on it with the name of certain researchers. Dr. Rights, Dr. Gears, Dr. Kondraki, and Dr. Bright.

      The man presses play on the device marked Dr. Rights and a recording of Dr. Rights played. "Having experienced both childbirth and Scp-666 ½ -j, I can safely say that I would choose the former any day of the week. Scp-666 ½-j is like having three babies at once, except they're all on fire. Also, they're covered in thumbtacks and trying to eat you from the inside out, all while the midwife is beating you senseless with a crowbar and screaming in your ear to push." The recording of Dr. Rights explains.

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