Chapter 10: Familiar places

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Winter woke up, floating into a sandy beach off the side of the ocean, drifting softly in the current. It looked as if it was evening, and the sun was setting. She regained her memory of the last moments she remembered.
Flooding, swimming, thrashed around by ocean waves, Jaydn and the boy.
Wait! Where were they!? Winter frantically searched for them, then immediately at ease when she saw Jaydn washed up on the shore not to far away and a figure a bit further down. She rushed past Jaydn to make sure the boy was okay as she could tell Jaydn was fine.
He was sat on the sand, crying, mumbling nonsense and shivering. Winter did notice it was starting to get chilly outside.
"There you are! Are you okay?" Winter called.
He whipped his head around and, hugging himself, nodded and stood up. Winter looked at his tired eyes, battered expression and his hair being completely caked in white sand. She walked over to him and he was shivering more than she thought.
"Hey, come on, lets go to Jaydn and figure this out." She said, looking down at him.
He just nodded again and followed mindlessly.
Jaydn had woken up a little bit before they'd come over to check on her, and she was pissed off, to say the least.
"We just sunk a massive submarine, probably killing a couple thousand people, and we're washed up and completely lost to where we are!" She spat out of no where.
"I guess so." Winter shrugged.
"Also, quick question, do you not know how to swim?" Jaydn asked the boy.
He shook his head. "I didn't expect it to be as cold as it was." He sneezed.
Jaydn sighed and brushed herself off. "Okay. Well, there goes odds of finding Wendy."
Winter nodded slowly and started looking around. She knew they were now all lost, but at least they weren't captive.
Winter sunk down into the soft, white sand. The water they'd washed up in twinkled reflective oranges yellows and purples in the sunset. The cool breeze let some stray grains of sand dance around in the air. A long stretch over to her right Winter saw a dock, leading her eyes to the land mass they had landed on. There was a small mound made up of rocks leading up to a bushed area and further a car distantly hummed, approaching and then disappearing again.
A cold, foamy wave brushed her leg and her hair flew behind her. She definitely felt like she needed some cleaning.
It seemed the boy was having culture shock, and he was taking in everything, his teeth chattering in the cold. Winter began to wonder where he was from.
Jaydn stood up and looked around for a good 3 minutes before she said something that changed the mood of hopelessness. "I recognize this place."
"Where are we!?" Winter sprang to her feet.
"This is around where I live!" Jaydn said in the most excited tone Winter had ever heard from her. "Come on! We can get my parents for help!" She said, nearly tripping over herself as she raced up the beach, the boy and Winter following behind.
They stopped on a side walk and Jaydn put her hand over her eyes to properly scan the area due to the blinding reflection of the sun on buildings. She paused and walked to the side of the road waiting.
"What are you doing?" The boy asked.
"Waiting for a cab. We shouldn't walk the whole way, and I think we're all a little exhausted." She said.
"We need money though." Winter reminded her.
Jaydn glanced over, pulled out the thirty bucks Wendy had given them out of her pocket, dripping wet. "This should suffice."
"So..." Winter said after a quiet pause. "What'd you say your name was?" She asked the boy.
He looked up at her with round green eyes and smiled. "Oh! I'm Le."
"Lee?" Winter repeated.
"Yep. L, e, Candlemaker." He responded, proud at the fact he knew his name.
"Wait. Le, like the French word 'The'?" Jaydn asked, turning around.
Le stared blankly for a minute, gears clearly turning in his head. Then his whole face lit up and he snapped his fingers. "He was French!" He said in the tone of someone who hadn't figured out a riddle in years.
"That's kinda a weird name." Winter trailed. Now she really needed to know more.
Le shrugged. "I dunno."
Winter now had her full attention hyper fixated on Le. "Where are you from?" She asked him. Once again, he shrugged.
"I really don't know. I mean, I've only known a few things, like how to make tea and candles, or clean the castle i-" he cut himself off. "I can't talk about that. I'll be in big trouble."
Winter felt a little disappointed. At least they knew his name. "Well, wanna tell us about the guy who helped you kidnap us?" Winter asked, an especially cold wind shivering down her spine.
Le's face fell. "He's gonna be so worried about me. Once we figure stuff out can we please find him?" He asked, looking Winter in the eyes. Those were the eyes of someone with a connection no one would understand.
"Who is he?" Winter asked.
"He's my partner, and the coolest person in the world." Le responded proudly. "He leaves a lot, though. I think... I don't wanna over say." Le wavered.
"Cabs here!" Jaydn said, ushering the others into the back seat.
"Joshua lane, please." Jaydn asked, hand the driver 15 bucks.
Then they were off. Quiet humming of the car, and the streets flying by outside the window had Winter yawn and drift away in sleep. What a beautiful place to live.

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