Chapter 9: Meanwhile...

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"So you lost them." He snarled as calm as he could.
"Yes sir." The older boy croaked. His voice was cracking with anguish. He'd lost the very person who kept him going, his only constant. His only goal was to keep that boy safe, no matter the cost, he swore he'd protect him with his life from the day his baby brother was born. He failed his only real mission.
"And you also lost their Guardian." He asked.
"Yes sir."
"Listen, YOU are the best fighter in our entire cause." The word 'cause' stung in the older boy's ears. "And you still managed to lose them. But, you did say their transportation was destroyed?"
"Yes. Gone in flames."
"Good. So they fell into your trap, you caught them and it was all going well until..."
The older felt a lump in his throat form. "They took my partner out with the travellers tea."
"So, what are you going to do about it? I ought to tell you, my submarine is sunk with several hundred guards and prisoners drowned. Do you know that that's where I had them held. Now that the stupid kids are gone we need to find that one who took your 'Partner' and we have no leads on her. For all we know is she went to save the other two and drowned alongside the others." He explained, frustrated. "Odds are that she was the one who sunk the ship."
The boy froze. If she was on the ship, that meant that his brother was too. He could be dead.
"So here's my proposal." He went on. " I should be punishing you, but your dear brother's death is enough of that. If you find the fourth child, I'll let you free. Better, if you find any of the others alive, you'll also be provided with equipment to find your home."
All the boy could do was nod. He was escorted out of the room and into his all too familiar cell, which despite being surrounded by lava, felt cold and lonely. Something he wondered if his brother had felt before.
Knowing his brother may be dead, another piece of him shattered. The only thing he cared about was gone and odds were stacked against him coming back. But he was also the only thing who kept him hinged.
The boy stood up and started getting to work. He reached into the back of a hay bale they'd used as a bed in the corner of the room and pulled out a baggie of dry tea leaves. Traveler's tea to be exact.
He then reached over to the bucket they used for water and threw a couple crushed leaves into it. Makeshift traveler's tea. He dropped the bucket by the cell bars next to the lava floored hallways then He moved over to the left side of the cell, where his Violet purple long cut robe hung next to his armour. The robe had a sewn on yin and yang symbol on it's side. It matched his younger brother's Orange long cut robe.
After packing up the boiled tea into a green and gold teapot his brother used to use, and then pulling out a leather messenger bag and put that and a few more items in it (Like his brother's favorite candle for good luck), he was nearly set to go.
He needed to test something first.
What he referred to as his power for lack of better terms. He put his hand out to the hay bale, watching it's every human like movement. Except for when it wasn't human like. It slowly spread and liquefied as it  could. His veins turned from purple-blue into bright red and his pale skin transformed into royal purple, white dots all throughout his hand. His hand was mostly translucent, like clear purple slime, minus his red veins.
Honestly hadn't any idea of how he got the power. Potentially a branch of his heritage. All he knew is if he got to carried away he would start to burn his skin. He'd only taken it too far once. He never used it for hurting others, as everything fell downhill when he did use it, but he had dubbed it one thing. It looked an awful lot like traveler's tea, spare the red veins, and the effects of an untrained user of travellers tea was similar to those who fought him. Well minus injures and on certain occasions, worse than those.
He dubbed his ability as the power of pure Chaos itself. He turned his blobbed hand back to it's regular form, then reinforced his bag of things on his arm. He made sure he brought the extra tea leaves knowing full well he wouldn't stop until he was free.
Not until he found his targets.
Not until he was satisfied for what they did to his baby brother.

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