13. Million Dollar Babies

Start from the beginning

Well, that is until Chef made Leshawna mad about not being tough. And it had made her so mad that she pushed Chef to the other side of the field in just a couple seconds. Then we had to go through a bunch of obstacles for Chris' stupid enjoyment.

And for some reason, he decided to use some mud and barbed wire from the war challenge. I honestly didn't know what he was even thinking about that. After an hour or so, we were finally done with the course. Everyone was covered in mud and we were all trying to clean up as much as possible.

Duncan: Well that bit.

Gwen: Yeah.

Courtney: Who won anyways?

Chris: Nobody!

That just really seemed to confuse me and everyone else. That's when Chris revealed that it was all just to see who was going to go against who. Then he went on to say how a member of each team would face off in one of the four sport challenges.


Y/n: I really am not looking forward to this challenge. I mean, I don't really hate sports or anything. It's just that I'm not really that good at them, unless it's a baseball game.


Gwen: With all the twisted movie genre's Chris had to choose, it was sports. I swear, I'm going to seriously damage him sooner or later.


And the very first sport challenge was apparently a boxing match. And Chris was doing some sort of fake echo thing the whole time. And it was going to be Lindsay going against Harold. And he only choose them since they both came in last during the "training drills."

But to everyone's confusion, he gave Lindsay and Harold giant marshmallows to use for boxing gloves. And it was weird that he would do it, but Chris said it would be funny. I just don't get Chris and his weird sense of twisted humor. Then Chris revealed that it had to be done in slow motion.

So with that, a bell rang and the match had started. Leshawna was cheering Harold on as he and Lindsay "fought" each other. But as the match went on, I could've sworn thar I saw Beth putting Courtney's PDA back in her pocket. And it looked like she was in shock for some odd reason too.

After a couple of rounds, Lindsay had knocked Harold out. But to our surprise and joy, we managed to win the first part of the challenge. Though it was just because Chris gave Harold a bunch of extra points for his good slow motion. And then Lindsay tried to punch Chris and said the game was fixed.

Gwen's P.O.V.

After the boxing match, we arrived at a badminton court. And this time it was Y/n going up against Beth for the teams. But we all knew there wasn't any movie about this sport. But Chris just went on about how he was in a movie about this stupid sport. And he even went as far as to replay a scene from it too.

So after he was done, Y/n and Beth started facing off. And we all started to cheer him on since we all knew Beth wasn't to good at sports. But that's when Leshawna said Beth's chances of her winning was as real as her boyfriend. And that's when things took a bad turn for us.

And because of that comment, Beth had somehow gotten better. And she was able to beat Y/n in this part and even the score one to one. We were all in shock as how Beth had gotten the point for the Grips. And Leshawna still said that, even though she had game, she still had no boyfriend.

Beth: You're just resenting me for being a great betton twirler, just like you resent everyone here!

Leshawna: Excuse me?!

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