Chapter 38

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Dior's POV

"Dior! Dior! DIOR WAKE YO ASS UP! YOU GOT AN STD?!" I heard someone yell in my ear. I shot up out of my bed and looked to see my friends looking at me with a shocked look.

"H-huh?" I blinked.

"You're literally trending on everything bro. Look at this!" Josh says and shoves his phone in my face. I turn his brightness down and look at the post Kiah made.

"He had the nerve to say he won't support me and this baby so I told him I'll tell everyone his deepest darkest secret. He got and STD and now I gotta get checked" Kiah says in the video. I looked down to see over a million people seen the video.

"I'm killing that girl" I said standing up.

"Woahhhh, put some pants on" Shareef says. I looked down to see I had no clothes. My dick is just hanging out.

"Whoops" I said and walked to my closet and grabbed a pair of shorts. When I walk back out, they all stared at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you have an STD?" Melo asks. This idiot.

"No LaMelo. I don't have an STD" I said glaring at him.

"When's the last time you got checked?" Shaqir asked.

"Guys I don't have an STD. She's lying because I told her I want nothing to do with her and the baby, plus I threw her phone in her pool" I said and walked towards my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

"Dior this looks so bad on you. You need to say something about this" Mikey says. I walked out of the bathroom and grabbed my phone.

I ignore all of the notifications and text Jordan.

Morning baby


I'm guessing you've seen what Kiah posted...

Yes I did. Dior what the fuck happened yesterday when you went to go meet with her? Everything was supposed to end well!

I know, I know. But don't worry, I'm gonna fix this


Watch 😉

"Ok let's go on live shall we" I said as I walked out of my room and my friends followed. We walked into my kitchen and sat around my counter. I propped my phone up against a vase and went on Instagram.

"What are you gonna say?" Jalen asks.

"I'm gonna explain what happened and say my part of all of this" I said.

"Try not to cuss and keep the live appropriate" Shareef says.

"Ok dad" I said rolling my eyes. I went live and instantly people joined.

"Wassup guys" I said as I started to read the comments. Everyone was asking questions about Kiah and the video and making STD jokes. Immature bastards.

"Don't make jokes about those kind of things guys" I said. I cleared my throat and folded my arms.

"I'm just gonna get straight to the point. Ain't nobody having my baby and everyone is a liar!" I yelled.

"The two unknown girls ain't neva had this boujee designer named brand dick. And Kiah is lying too. She just wants me and my money and she can't have neither" I said and my friends start laughing at me. As well as the people in the comments.

"I went over to Kiah's house yesterday. That part was true. I did tell her I wasn't gonna support her or a baby that isn't mine. That part is also true. But the part where I have a STD is a big ass lie. I might've been a hoe but I'm a clean one. Any girl I've slept with I made sure to get checked. I don't have shit and never gave anyone shit either. Ask my doctor" I said.

"Kiah you're a salty ass bitch. Yes I'm using the word bitch because I know her better then anyone on this live. She will say and do anything to get her way and she's not gonna do that with me" I said.

"It's crazy that all of you girls wanna start shit when I'm finally with a girl that makes me happy. I don't need none of y'all anymore. I got a girl that makes me happy and makes me a better version of myself everyday. My old ways are over and I'm not the same Dior that everyone knows" I said. I took a pause to read comments and people were asking if I'm talking about Jordan.

"Yes I'm talking about the one and only Jordan Simone. That's my partner right there and she ain't going anywhere. So all of you girls saying your having my baby and all of this none sense, the only girl that's gonna be having my baby is Jordan" I said with a smirk on my face. Everyone in the comments are going wild and I couldn't help but laugh. I then see a comment about Jayson and decide to talk about it.

"Mannnn fuck Jayson Tatum. He's a bitch forsure. His baby punch did no damage to me, I rocked his shit though. And I'll do it again. But let me be nice,  I promised Jordan that I'd put my problems aside and stop being petty. I have no problem with JT, so let's stop talking about ole dude" I said. Everyone was making jokes about him and I held in my laughter. If I laughed, I'd start clowning him.

"But that's all I have to say for now. Kiah I know you're watching this, so let me make this clear. Whatever plan you have to try and ruin me and take my money, I suggest you shut it down now. I'd hate for things to get escalated and someone gets hurt" I shrugged before ending the live.

"That does it" I said as I looked at all of my friends.

"You handled that well" Mikey shrugged.

"I did, didn't I" I smiled.

"You didn't have to threaten her though. Nor did you have to answer the comment about JT" Shareef says. Ugh this guy.

"I'm sorry dad! Please don't punish me" I say dramatically, causing everyone to laugh. Shareef just rolls his eyes.

"Look guys I have this situation under control now" I started.

"What can honestly go wrong..."

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