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Skinny Love

(noun) two people who have very strong feelings for each other, but are too shy to show it


Lily Collins as
Madelyn (Maddie) Finstock

Lily Collins asMadelyn (Maddie) Finstock

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Daniel Sherman as
Isaac Lahey

Orny Adams asCoach (Bobby) Finstock

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Orny Adams as
Coach (Bobby) Finstock

Orny Adams asCoach (Bobby) Finstock

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Tina Fey as
Sarah Williams

the rest of the Teen Wolf cast as themselves

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the rest of the Teen Wolf cast as themselves


It was your average Saturday night. Madelyn was at her desk doing homework. Her father was at a lacrosse game for the school he worked for. And her mother... just got home, actually.

"Maddie! Could you come down sweetie?" Sarah called from downstairs. Maddie sighed and replied with a, "Be there in a minute!"

She stood up from her chair and placed her pencil down on her desk. She was happy to take a break from geometry. Why did they need to know the area of a triangle? The only triangle in her life is pizza.

When walking down the stairs she came face to face with her mother and... "Hi. My name's Austin. Nice to meet you." The man held out his hand to shake and Maddie obliged.

"Madelyn. Uhm, may I ask what you're doing here?" She nodded in greeting before looking towards her mom for some answers.

"Hunny, this is my boyfriend."

Now you might be thinking... Wait, whaaaaat? Don't worry, I'll explain.

Madelyn Finstock is the daughter of Bobby Finstock and Sarah Williams. No they don't have the same last name. Well, anymore.

Bobby and Sarah were high school sweethearts. Got married and had Madelyn. But with the constant fighting, they unfortunately ended things with a divorce.

Maddie has been living with her mother. She stays in touch with her father by calls and texts. But she hasn't seen him in almost two years.

But that's all about to change because as I, the narrator, have been talking to you. Sarah was explaining to her daughter that her and Austin want to travel the world together and they can't do that with a sixteen year old daughter around them all the time. So... guess who is going to live with her dad! It was probably obvious, but the answer is Madelyn. 

This means that she must pack up everything, and move to California. I know, it's crazy. Her mom is shipping her from Nevada to California within the next couple of days.

And that's how one average Saturday night for Madelyn Finstock turned out to be a whole lot more. And it's only the beginning of her story.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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