Chapter 17: You and Me Will Be Always

Start from the beginning

"Wait, Hotch played hockey?" Emily's eyes lit up. "God this is gonna be good,"

"It was, weirdly enough, a really popular sport growing up, I think he started playing when he was ten and went all through high school,"

"For the life of me I can't imagine him playing that," she shook her head. "Baseball maybe, football, okay sure it's an all-American sport, but hockey?"

"You know I was as surprised as you when I went to one of his games," you noted, sipping your latte. "Caroline had dragged me there and it's not really my sport, but after Aaron and I became friends it was entertaining to see him play,"

"Yeah I get that," she smiled. "You feed off the energy of the people around you,"

"Exactly, but apparently the look on my face was priceless when the first fight broke out," you started with a laugh. "There were two players getting into it, one of them was from our school and we were far away and they were wearing helmets so I couldn't see but the referee eventually pulled them apart and when the announcer said that Hotchner was spending two minutes in the penalty box I was just flabbergasted,"

"So I'm assuming you stayed for the fights," she joked

"Oh definitely," you nodded.

The waitress brought over your food and set it out in front of you and there was a short comfortable silence as you started to eat. After taking your first bite, you decided to be the one to break it.

"So is there any BAU gossip I should be made aware of?" you asked curiously.

You hadn't told anyone yet, not even Aaron, but Chief Strauss had offered you a second interview and it was looking more and more like you would be able to get the job. You knew once Aaron was home from work it wasn't always something he wanted to talk about or something he could for that matter, half the things were confidential, so you never wanted to bother him by asking about work dynamics, fun little relationship tidbits and whatnot. Plus, you knew he was too professional to reveal any details of that sort to you, that was when it came to people he respected. Back in school, that was a whole other story.

"Oh, that's a tricky one," Emily frowned. "Wait have you met Garcia yet? Penelope Garcia,"

"I haven't met her, but Aaron's mentioned her a few times," you nodded. "Why?"

"Well she's our technical analyst and I just know she's got the latest dirt on everyone," she explained. "Which means next time we go out for drinks you're getting a call,"

"Glad to hear it," you smiled.

"In the meantime, though we're all convinced JJ's got a boyfriend, she just won't tell us," Emily added. "I mean what does she expect us to think when she flies out to New Orleans every weekend,"

"Yeah, why all the effort, seems so exhausting," in truth you couldn't imagine trying to pull something like that off, but many would argue that you already had, many being Caroline because after Aaron and Haley started to date you did a very good job of keeping your feelings tucked away and hidden, probably just as stressful if not more stressful than having a secret boyfriend.

"Do you have any plans this week? Rossi tells me Hotch is taking a day off he doesn't do that often,"

"Oh we're spending time with Jack this Friday," you explained. "Aaron says he's excited to meet me but if I'm being honest I'm a little nervous,"

"Which is totally normal, that's a huge step," Emily assured you. "But Jack is the sweetest little kid you two will get along just fine,"

"Yeah I really hope so, I'm told that as long as I play with legos and action figures I'm in the clear,"

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