Bucky - Seizures

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Warnings: Torture, seizures (I'm not sure that everything I say is correct so don't come at me, but I tried my best to research as much as I could to get it pretty accurate)

Finished on 8/4/21

10768 Words. This is the longest one I've written yet. Sorry, not sorry.

The team had just gotten back from an international mission so we were all worn out and tired when we got back to the tower. As we all made our way into the common area, I felt a sharp pain in my right thigh.

When I winced and looked down at it, I could see the blood staining my clothes and muttered an "oh shit" as I quickly walked towards the kitchen.

It wasn't a bad cut, but it had gone unnoticed the whole way home so there was a lot of blood. Now that I was starting to feel tired, the pain was kicking in, so I grabbed a few washcloths and a bottle of vodka before jumping up onto the counter and laying my injured thigh over the sink.

I tore back the fabric of my pants a little more so I could see the entirety of the cut. Again, not a bad cut, just a lot of blood loss. 

As I started to pour the alcohol over my cut, seething at the burning sensation, Bucky turned the corner into the kitchen. He was confused at first but made his way over to my side to help me press the washcloths to my wound. "Doll..."

He wasn't happy, I could tell. "I know, I know. I didn't even notice it until we got here though. It's not bad so I figured I'd just take care of it myself and go get it stitched up later if I needed to."

I tried to give him a small smile but he was still shaking his head at me. "You could've at least asked for help."

"I didn't want to bother you. Don't you have things to follow up on with Steve and Tony about the mission?" His silence is enough of an answer for me and I chuckle softly. "Go, I'm fine. I'll come to find you when you're done and we can watch a movie together or something."

Bucky finally smiled at me, liking the idea of relaxing together later, as he nodded his head. "Alright. But please go get that checked out for me." I nodded back with a smile of my own, letting him place a gentle kiss on my lips before turning around to leave the kitchen.

There was something outside that caught my eye as I watched my boyfriend walk away. When I turned to look at it, climbing off the counter, my eyes widened. "Bucky! Get down-"

A missile hit the side of the tower and several floors exploded. Everything was bright and loud for a moment before it wasn't.

It was dark and eerily silent except for the ringing in my ears as I forced my eyes open, looking around at the mess that was now the tower we had all grown to know so well.

My head was pounding and my body ached. As I looked around the fallen rubble and debris I searched for the others but couldn't see anyone from my current position on the ground.

When I tried to stand up I couldn't. A large piece of concrete was laid over my waist and hips, making it near impossible for me to move at all. Every time I tried to push myself up I would let out a labored scream of pain before collapsing underneath the rubble again.

I was beginning to get light-headed from my efforts when I saw movement across the room. I looked up and saw Steve making his way through the rubble with his shield in hand, presumably looking for the rest of us.

He saw me and his eyes widened at my current state. "I'm coming, hold on!"

I watched him climb over various sized piles of debris, trying to make his way towards me when another support beam in the roof above us collapsed. It started pouring down more rubble and debris, blocking his way to where I was.

Steve and Bucky Imagines/Smuts/AU'sTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang