Chris Evans - First Panel

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Warnings: bullying/rude fans, anxiety, panic attack (Also, I had based the cast list off the AOU cast because it was easy, not because I'm talking about the movie. Enjoy ☺️)

Finished on 7/17/21

2934 Words

Today was my first ever panel. I play a character that was newly introduced into the MCU in the most recent movie so I got to tag along for all the touring and promoting we did, including interviews, meet and greets, and the infamous Marvel SuperPanels.

They were supposed to be a small interview from the hosts before an hour's worth of Q&A from the fans in the audience. However, as we entered the building to start getting ready for the event, I noticed that it was more like a small ComicCon with the way that fans were dressed up in cosplay, waiting in long lines outside to get the best seats.

I suppose that I should be excited about that though. I mean, our fans are so dedicated and excited to get to be here...but I know that they're not here for me.

In fact, the negative feedback that Marvel and I received about my character following the last movie was more than we expected. I wasn't shocked when I saw some hate, nobody's perfect, but I got twice as much as I had expected. And that's a lot considering my expectations were already pretty low.

So as we made our way through the crowds and towards the backstage access, I wasn't surprised to see that I was being stared down and laughed at by some of the "fans" waiting in line.

Once we got through the crowds, we were all directed to our own individual room where we could relax before the event started. My hair and makeup crew came in and made sure I didn't need any touch-ups before moving on to the next room.

After they left I let out a deep sigh and squeezed my eyes closed, trying to calm my rising anxiety. I leaned my elbows against the vanity I was sat at and rested my face in my hands.

My door creaked open with a soft knock and a "Can I come in?"

I knew it was Chris so I invited him in and gave him a sad smile. "When do we go on?"

He checked his watch before responding, "About 5 minutes." I took another deep breath, fixing my hair in the mirror of the vanity as he stood behind me and rubbed my shoulders and neck. "You're gonna do great, Y/n. You have nothing to worry about. Just take a deep breath and try to relax."

Chris had noticed my ever-growing anxiety one of my first days on set and opened up to me about his own and how he deals with it. Ever since then he's always made sure to come check in with me before and during big events or stressful situations.

"Okay...You're sitting next to me right?" I asked as I stood up and we walked out of my dressing room.

He smiled softly at me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. "Always."

When we reached the entrance to the stage he tucked his hands in his pockets and we talked to the rest of the cast members as we awaited being called on-stage.

They began to call us out one by one. "Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans..." He gave me a reassuring smile before walking on, knowing I was next.

When they called my name I took a long deep breath before walking up on stage and smiling at the crowd as I made my way to my seat. As expected, the crowd noise was significantly less during my entrance than for the rest of the crew but I ignored it as I sat down in my seat next to Chris.

The rest of the cast was called on stage and they all made their way down to their seats. "Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olson, and Paul Bettany."

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