David Gilmour #5

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All year, you'd been overworking yourself, trying to make it before the endless deadlines. David was tired, and understandably so, of seeing you like that: shadows under your eyes and with a deplorable mood. Far away was that bright smile and sparkling eyes that he adored so much.

When it became too much even for him, he decided to treat you for a gift. The first day of your holidays, he told you to pack a suitcase with whatever you wanted and meet him in the car. You stood up there dumbfounded, watching him rush outside the front door. What the hell has gotten into him?

Twenty minutes later, you both were in David's car towards a still unknown destination for you. Despite of your constant questions, David just gave you his typical smile and refused to answer.

You furrowed your eyebrows when you saw the airport appear before your eyes.

"Are we going anywhere?" You asked with confusion in your voice. However, David stayed silent once again.

Once he parked the car, he grabbed both of your suitcases and motioned you to walk besides him. You huffed in annoyance. "Will you tell me anything?"

David looked at you and teasingly grinned. "I don't wanna ruin the surprise, love."

Both of you passed through the control station and made your way to the boarding gate, waiting until the plane was ready. David took a seat and he crossed one leg over the other, while tapping his fingers on the armrest. You sat by his side, looking intently at him.

David tried the best to ignore your constant glare but in the end, he snorted and sighed while pointing to the sign that showed the plane's destination. You looked at it and immediately widened your eyes, your mouth agape.

"Are you taking me to Venice!?" Your heart was beating so fast and your head was running at a hundred miles per hour.

"I wanted to gift you something as you've been working so hard lately. You deserve a rest, Y/N." He looked at you with fond blue eyes.

You couldn't stop smiling as you hugged him tightly thanking him over and over.

Some hours later, you finally landed in Venice's airport. The two of you took a special bus to the hotel that was conveniently placed besides the bridge that linked the city from the mainland.

Having unpacked everything and resting for a bit, David and you crossed the bridge. David was holding his camera like a true tourist. You couldn't help but laugh at seeing him taking photographs of almost everything. Most of the photographs were of you taken by surprise. He would say that it was the way in which you appeared most beautiful, in a natural state.

Once you arrived in the Piazza de San Marcos, you ran ahead of David to admire the building that surrounded it. You looked in awe as David made his way besides you, raising an eyebrow.

"Is that old building supposed to be important?"

You looked at him with an almost offended expression. "David, that's the Dux palace!"

"The what now?"

You sighed with exasperation and proceeded to explain him how the Dux was the man who ruled over the city in the past. As you kept talking, David couldn't help but be amazed at your knowledge. He never got tired of listening to you, even if you were saying something that he didn't get the grasp of.

Once you finished your little explanation, David chuckled. "Y/N, have you ever been here before?"

His question took you by surprise and you blushed while looking away embarrassed. "I... no, but I read about it in a book and I was very interested on it so I made some research. Y'know, I like classic things like these. It's nothing weird, I ho—." Your rambling was cut short by David's lips on yours. You widened your eyes and touched your lips when he pulled away.

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