Roger Waters #4

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You walked across the different sections, looking at the records put on display. It had become a routine of yours, going to that little record shop every friday, after the last class of the day had finished.

Stopping in front of the Pink Floyd section, your fingers went through the different records. A sudden voice to your right startled you almost making you drop the record you had in your hands.

"Y'know I'm in that band, right? I can always play for you for free."

"Geez, Roger," you looked at him while putting a hand over your heart. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Roger smirked and walked up to where you were. He took the record from your hands and looked at it.

"I wasn't going to buy any. But just so you know, I like listening to them while you're away." You took the record back and put it on the shelve where you had found it.

Roger looked at you with fond eyes, giving you a soft smile. It surprised you a bit, he wasn't one to show much emotion, at least not in public. However, you smiled back at him. Rare moments like these had to be taken advantage of.

"Did you find anything, babe?" You noticed him holding a bag with some records you could not recognise in it.

"Oh, yes, can't wait to show them to you." He took your hand and led you to the counter so he could pay for the records.

Once finished, you walked up to the shop's door. You inmediately furrowed your brow.

"God, it's pouring outside, Roger!"

"Hm? Ah, fucking hell... Did you get an umbrella?"

"I didn't know it was supposed to rain today! It's almost summer!"

Roger groaned and brushed his hair out of his face with his fingers.

"We should stay here until it stops," he suggested.

"I'm afraid they're closing right now. We can't stay here." You bit your lip and looked down with frustration. Roger hated seeing you without your usual smile and racked his head in search of any possible solution. After some seconds, he came up with a good enough idea.

You were surprised by Roger wrapping his jacket over your head, it being so big that it enveloped you almost completely.

"What are you-." Your inquiry was cut short by Roger explaining his 'brilliant' plan.

"We're gonna have to run home. It's not very far."

"But, you're gonna get soaked, Rog!"

"If we stick to the side of the sideway under the buildings arcades nothing should happen. Come on, we don't have much time."

With a reluctant sigh you agreed and so, together exited the record shop. Inmediately a gust of wind and rainwater hit your face making you close your eyes on reflex. However, you recovered quickly and started running along Roger towards your home.

At the middle of the journey, you lost sight of Roger by your side and stopped speaking about the random topic you were talking about. With a confused expression you turned around and immediately widened your eyes in surprise at seeing Roger on the ground. After some seconds in shock, you ran up to him.

"Oh my God, Roger! What happened!?" You grabbed his hand and helped him stand.

"I fucking slipped on a puddle!" Roger looked shocked at his soaked clothes. "My pants are ruined!"

At hearing his words, you couldn't help it anymore and bursted out laughing. Roger gave you a fake offended look but his little smile was betraying him.

After regaining your composture, you continued running towards your home, Roger making sure not to step into another puddle.

Finally, you arrived home and were received by the familiar warmth. Roger was shivering like crazy and so you ushered him to have a hot shower.

You, being protected by Roger's jacket, was pretty dry so you just threw it on the drying machine and went to the kitchen to prepare some tea.

As you were setting the hot cups on the table, the bathroom door opened and Roger came out wearing more comfortable clothes. He sat on the kitchen table and sipped his tea while making small conversation with you.

"Well, now I have something to blackmail you with," you teased.

"Don't you dare tell any of the boys about this, Y/N."

"Who? Me? How could you think that from me?" You batted your eyelashes innocently while giving him a cheeky smile.

"Whatever." Roger rolled his eyes and continued drinking from his cup. He noticed how you had chosen his favourite and his expression softened.

"Are you sure you're okay, though? You got soaked to the bone. I don't want you to get sick." You extended your hand to touch his forehead. Roger couldn't help but to blush at your affection.

"I'm fine, really," he murmured into his cup while trying to advert your gaze. "But I would be better if you cuddled with me."

You snorted at him openly displaying his feelings. It would never fail to surprise you. Not that you would ever say no to him.

"Of course we can do that, love. Whatever you want."

Roger looked at you with his bright green eyes and gave you a big genuine smile that made your heart leap. He leant towards you and softly captured your lips, making you feel butterflies on your stomach.

The rain kept pattering the windows but you paid it no mind, focused on Roger and the happiness and love he brought to you.


please this was inspired by real life experience with my friends lmao i was not the one who fell

~Lady Alis

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