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"Always" she said to him removing the hair from his dust covered face, the little boy shook his head slightly his eyes had sunken in because of more then just lack of sleep, her hands were hardly stable her nose ran as she gripped on his shoulder taking a look at him "Take care of yourself first. Always. Promise me" she said again, the noise of the knob turning forming a pit in their stomachs. She looked at him for any reassurances, any at all, but he stood there frozen like a statue. "Eileen" they heard a voice, rough and angry.

"Will you be my friend?" he asked her as they passed the old stone hallways which were almost rather loud and crowded for the setting. The red head gave him a nod, her hands pressing the books she was carrying closer to her chest "Always?" he asked her She looked over at him indefinitely confused at his remarkably optimistic or rather exclusively restricting ideals of promises "Always" she said nonetheless

I sat at the edge of the carriage drawing me closer to Hogwarts i recalled these events from the back of my head , I have not a clue how i stumbled upon his memories in dumbledore's office that winter night, nor he or Severus know of this uncertain venture i once crossed, ever since then his cold behaviour towards me these past months did not seem irrational or preposterous anymore, it would be the first time I see him again since i was apprehensive of his past, things were certain to be bizarre... for I did not know if distancing myself would be respectful or selfish. He was certainly not the prosaic type I have encountered over years but I do not wish to abominate his set boundaries altogether neither do I have any intentions of vilifying him nor would any of that solve my problems, but that is not to say that he had not gotten more accommodating to me as time went by, I had only officially began teaching at Hogwarts for 3 months now and the fraction of time i saw him during our childhood would be too generous to even consider making us any acquaintances if at all. We reached the gate of the school long before I knew it or had the chance to heed to the surroundings. I let out a sigh and grabbed onto Professor Flitwick's stretched hand assisting me to get down. "You are always lost in thoughts," he said. Where else would I rather be?

I gave him a small smile looking at the ground "Just thinking" i shook my head
"I fathom, but it rarely yields any truth, if any, it is always something far more unanticipated than we imagined, good or bad"  I shook my head. This notion put forth did make a little sense.

I got into my chambers slowly, closing the door behind me. I was not looking forward to seeing him at dinner, but I had to meet him sometime and might as well get over it quickly.I sniffled a little and let my eyes meet their reflection, my mind clouded with so many questions. I walked into the room of requirements where Minerva would host dinner for the teachers a day before the term began for the students, she noticed my rather small footsteps and rushed by me dragging me to sit as we awaited the others to join. I greeted Professor Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick who were already seated followed by Madam Pompfrey, and then when the clock met eight he walked in, my eyes glued to him it seemed like, he wore his buttoned coat perfectly ironed. Just like the time I met him.

He sat there his composure ever so admirable I could stare at him forever, his eyes averted to my gaze his lip raised just a little from the right corner so as to acknowledge me but it was not a smile, far from a smile, but again this was the most you could get from him.

They spoke of their time in holidays, the political climate, the new term, all sorts of things really, I did participate a little but not the least of course. Soon the elfs lined up to clear the plates "Hopefully we'll have more to look forward to this term than purple mitten socks" Dumbledore said, I never could make sense of what he was saying, could anyone? I got up after Severus, he extended his arm for me to move before him, if I were anymore mutt I would have grabbed his hand in mine thinking it was for me to take. I laughed aloud at my own stupidity and he gave me a questionable stare, I shook my head and began walking as he joined my side. "Would you like to go for a short walk?" I asked looking at the open ground, "Sure" he said

We walked quietly in the silence of the night just trying to soak in each other's company "How was Christmas" i asked trying to ease out the tension

"Same as any other day" he said nonchalantly, I raised my eyebrows taking in a long breath "Hopefully yours was better than mine" he added not wanting to be eude

"No, same as you really" I answered. He looked a little surprised but did not ask any questions further he stopped midway pointing toward a bench, we sat down there staring at the water fountain, the night was cold but the sky glimmered with stars. He had known of my feelings towards him and the long shared affection, I would not say legilmens were needed for it, anyone could tell even from afar. I just did not know of his.
If he ever confronted me about it, I would never be able to explain, no words would outline the depths of emotions, it would be easier if he would just look me in the eye as the heart speak it's truth.

He was right there beside me yet there was a distance of thousands of miles between us but there was a connection still. If I would close my eyes there would be dreams with him and that was all there was. I never could explain why the one residing in my eyes would be a reflection of  him. Even though he was near, even though he was a wish of heart, even though he was just a feeling he wasn't mine. I have so many complaints against him and I don't know why. Midst a million thoughts about him I would be tongue tied in front of him. My heart grieves too, it curses the day it met him and I don't know why, but neither will he. His dreams lace his eyes too, but they anger him, the talks of his heart all of deception, the world is cruel and it will continue to be so, he knows it and I do too.

"Are you alright?" He asked moving his gaze toward me, I looked up from the same patch of grass I had been staring at to meet his eyes

"I will be" 

"Always?" He asked his lips rising the same way they did earlier, I giggled just a little and looked at him


A/N I ended up writing another one shot I hope you enjoy it, I might take requests too if you have any please let me know.

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