6 ➣ Make A Deal

Start from the beginning

And boy, was he furious.

"Give me another go, Azura," he snarled, his jaw ticking.

"No," I said simply. "Nathan's aim was a lot better, he knocked down six people, you did four. His force is also a lot stronger than yours."

"You're just showing favouritism now!" said Evan. "You're not giving me a chance just because we have history-"

"I did give you a chance and this is my final decision. If you don't move out of the way, I will hex you, Evan," I snarled back, wanting to show my teammates that I was not a pushover.

Evan stood there, grinding his teeth. Then he said, "I am trying out for Keeper too."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I am," said Evan, suddenly grinning. "A player can try out for as many positions as he wants. That's the rule, Captain, I am sure you know."

If looks could kill, he would've been under two hundred feet by now. Suppressing all of my instincts to murder him on spot, I mounted my broom once again for the Keeper tryouts.

My worst nightmare came true: Evan saved one, two, three, four, five, and six penalties in a row. My head was hurting from frustration, as Evan glided down to the ground, with a cheeky grin on his face. I reluctantly ticked his name off for Keeper.

I turned around and found my new team beaming up at me, which caught me by surprise. I guessed they grew some respect after seeing my Captaincy skills? Who knew.

"You all did really well!" I beamed back at them. "So we'll start training on. . ."

After finalizing the time of our first full practice for the following week, I bade goodbye to the rest of my team and went to the changing rooms. Juliet and Ray waited for me outside.

Once I was out of my muddy robes, I threw on a Slytherin Quidditch jumper and paced in my office, looking over my new team list once again. But when I came back to the lockers, I tripped on someone's foot and they hissed in pain.

Wait. I tripped on someone's foot and they hissed in pain?

I reached into my pockets and pulled out my wand at once, pointing at the side where I tripped, my heartbeat quickening in panic.

"Homenum Revelio."

In a swooping motion, a plain cloak fell aside and Sirius Black came to view, looking like a deer in front of headlights.

"Uh, hi," he said.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" I asked hoarsely, still pointing my wand at him.

"Alright, you caught me," Sirius raised his hands in surrender. "I came here to talk to you."

"Is that- is that an. . . Invisibility Cloak?" I asked, nodding at the cloak on the floor.

"Uh, yes?"

"How did you. . .?"

"Ah, it's James's," Sirius shrugged, picking it up. "I borrowed it just for today so that I can talk to you."

"You have an Invisibility Cloak," I breathed. "And you. . . you came here to talk to me? To the- to the Slytherin lockers?"

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," said Sirius simply. "I am here because what I want to discuss is more business than pleasure, although," he slightly smirked, "I've never been opposed to mixing the two."

Smooth, Black. Wrong person but smooth.

"Ugh, stop," I groaned. "Just- just tell me what it is and leave."

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