Stranded with a Broken Heart Pt 2

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In an instant, Zariah bolted for the door with the rest of the men following; when she opened the door, it was chaos. Debris was flying everywhere, people were running down the street, screaming, some covered in bloody wounds, traffic was lining up as citizens were abandoning their cars in a state of panic. Zariah, Tony, Bruce, Strange and Wong stepped out onto the street among the chaos as a women fell in front of Zariah; who she quickly helped up "Are you okay?" The woman nodded as she frantically ran off.

Tony then pulled out a pair of sunglasses and put them on, "FRIDAY, what am I looking at?" Zariah looked at him; smiling a little, he made a new AI after Ultron. "Hey! You might wanna put that TIME stone in your back pocket Doc!" Tony shouted to Strange as they could see a giant circular ship appear and was floating above Bleeker street. "FRIDAY, evac anyone south of 43rd street, notify first responders." Tony continued.

Zariah materialized her sword in hand as it was covered in her aura and bolts, ready for a fight. Strange performed a spell that made the dust that kicked up settle as two figures appeared, from the ship itself. One which Zariah recognized from before which was Ebony Maw and the other was Black Dwarf. She gripped onto her sword tightly as the purple aura glowed brighter, she was angry, she was taken away from Loki and Thor... the imagines of the dead Asgardian refugees flowed through her head. Tony saw this as he stepped forward placing hand on her shoulder "Relax Zari." She looked at him as her eyes were glowing a menacing purple and nodded.

"Hear me, and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos. Be thankful, that your meaningless lives are now contributing to..." Tony interrupted Ebony Maw's monologue "I'm sorry, Earth's closed today" This caused Maw to look at Tony then to Strange "Stone keeper, does this chattering animal speak for you?" he asked, gesturing at Tony.

" Tony interrupted Ebony Maw's monologue "I'm sorry, Earth's closed today" This caused Maw to look at Tony then to Strange "Stone keeper, does this chattering animal speak for you?" he asked, gesturing at Tony

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"Certainly not. I speak for myself." Strange stepped forward bumping his fists together activating his magic shield "But you're trespassing in this city and on this planet." Wong copied Strange's actions and activated his magic as well. Zariah stepped forward to be next to Tony as he spoke up again "It means get lost, Squidward."

"He exhausts me

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"He exhausts me." Maw said, Black Dwarf moved forward a little as he continued to speak "Bring me the stone and the girl if you can." He instructed, it was a massive creature and carried a large hammer as he dragged it along behind him.

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