14. Dinner At Grannys

924 17 2

Ali = 14  Henry = 15  Avalon = 7

Allisia's Pov:

Me and Henry have been dating for 2 full years... today were all eating dinner at granny's because that's own thing our family's do one every 2 weeks. My mom and Regina have really hit it off.. and are like best friends.. as well as my Dad and David. Avalon.. has started going to school and has made many friends.. but she is t aloud to date until she's 12. That's what mom said and dad doesn't want her to date at all, but Avalon yelled at him in her little voice.

I walked into Granny's and saw Henry.. I immediately walked over to him and sat down. "Hi Henry." He smiled and kissed my cheek. "Ali.. did you enjoy the test today?" I groaned.. "It was too long... and too easy. I swear, they really need to step up their game." Henry laughed and interlocked our hands.

We all ate the food, and had a blast. Our family's mix perfectly and we all get along... this reminded me of my child hood with the Mikaelson's. They where all nice to me.. but it was never like this. The family dinners there.. they were formal and light chit-chat. Here it's loud and the room is full of laughs.

After the dinner.. Henry gabbed my hand and ran us out of the diner and to look at the stars. "Henry what are we doing?" I asked.. "We'll I wanted to tell you something.. away from everyone." I smiled at Henry, "I love you Allisia." I smiled.. "I love you to Henry Mills." Henry kissed me sweetly and we looked up at the stars and I made my wish.

I wish that everything remains how it is, I wish that I get to be with Henry forever and have a happy and bright future.

Something told me that I would be getting my dream.. I don't know what it is but I have... Hope.

337 - Words

The Diner & The People (Not The Salvatores)

The Diner & The People (Not The Salvatores)

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Left To Right - NamesZelena, David, Granny, Snow, Hook, Emma, Henry, Regina, Bell, Mr

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Left To Right - Names
Zelena, David, Granny, Snow, Hook, Emma, Henry, Regina, Bell, Mr. Gold

(I Have No Clue Who The Two In The Back Are!

(2) Repeating The Past /// Sequel To NeglectedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt