3. Best Big Sister Ever

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Allisia's Pov:

Mommy has been pregnant for 5 months.. I'm now 7 years old and we ha stage best birthday ever! Mommy should have her baby in... 4 months? I think. I can't wait! I'm going to be the best big sister... but hers if she doesn't like me. Yes the baby is a girl, mom and dad had a very fun way of telling us.

They through a party and had pink fireworks and pink balloons... pink everything! It was really fun. Daddy and Mommy think I'm going to be a good sister and I Hope so to. I want to be the very best.

"Mommy!" I yell... "Yes sweetheart?" Mommy says as she enters my room... "Mommy... do you my sister will like me?" I asked.. mommy's fav exchanges an sage sat next to me.. "She won't like you sweetheart, she'll love you. Your probably going to get annoyed with her but that's how sibilants work."

I smiled at mom, "You and Antie Hope.. did you ever get annoyed with her." Mommy lagged.. "Yes very much, although me and Hope were never close in our childhood. I kept to myself.. one day in the future I'll tell you more. But right now you need to get to sleep." I smiled at mom and she tucked me in.

Right when she was about to leave I stopped her, "Mommy." "Yes sweetheart?" I gave her a pleasing look, "What's her name?" Mommy laughed, "I told you.. you would find out when she's here... be patient." I pouted in my bed before doing off to sleep.

"I love you Ali." Mom said before walking out of my room.. "I love you.. mommy.." I muttered before going off into dream land. I'm going to be the best big sister.

301 - Words

Allisia's Room

Allisia's Room

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