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The first night in New York was pretty nice. It didn't feel like home yet but our apartment was pretty big and it had an amazing view. Since we arrived I've called my Dad countless times.

I also got a few calls and some messages from my boyfriend Dylan. Did I forget to mention I have a boyfriend? We aren't serious though. He was my best friend for a long time and he really was the best friend I needed.

He was there for me during my sister's passing, I knew he liked me and I didn't want a relationship but I couldn't say no to him. I couldn't reject him and ruin a wonderful friendship but that's the same reason I'm failing to break up with him.

Dylan 🌹: hey babe, I miss you already. Is everything ok?

Dylan🌹: please call me when you get the chance. I really want to hear your voice.

Dylan🌹: ugh damn L, I really fucking miss you baby.

I didn't answer any of his calls. There's alot happening and I couldn't deal with him just yet.


First Day at a new school. What could possibly go wrong? My mum dropped me off at school because my car wasn't here yet.

The principal seemed like a nice, decent old lady but principals were always double faced. My old principal was caught having an affair with our very old Math teacher.

Mrs Adams led me to my classroom door. I slowly opened the door to my new classroom. There was a young blonde lady in the front of the class.

"Hi, you must be Elenore. You can take a seat in the front, right next to Taylor." She pointed at the seat directly facing the board. Next to a curly haired brunette, slim girl with glasses.

I sat down and looked at my left where a hot boy with green eyes sat. He didn't seem to acknowledge my presence as he looked down at his phone hidden under his desk. His figure spelt 'Jock'.

Within a few minutes the bell rang and I stood up hoping to hide in the bathroom until my next class.

Unlike my outgoing, party throwing sister, I wasn't necessarily known for being social at my previous school. I was that shy, nice girl who people approached mostly because they were either sorry about my sister or they thought I was as outgoing as my sister. It's not a bad thing but I didn't want to be known as Lizzy's sister anymore. I wanted people to know me as Ellie Mathews ; the funny, approachable and creative Ellie.This was my chance to start all over and get a new picture for myself but I wanted to lay-low on my first day.

I stood up to go to the bathroom and was stopped by Taylor, "Hey I'm Taylor Adams." I looked at her with a confused expression as I shook her hand

"Are you related to-"

"Yes, I'm the principals Granddaughter, and no I'm not the snitch or the straight 'A' student of the class." She cut me off.

"Cool, I'm Elenore Mathews but you can call me Ellie. Only teachers and my overly dramatic mother call me Elenore." I smiled earning her a small laugh at my statement about my mother.

"Your funny I like it, so I'm heading to the cafeteria and I'm assuming you don't want to hide in the bathroom like some sorta freak so let's go." I let out a small laugh as I followed her out the door.


I was totally not thinking of locking myself in the bathroom.

I really need a character makeover.

Taylor led me to a table with two boys and a girl who was seemed just as nice. They all introduced themselves.

Max: the captain of the baseball team.

Riley ( Max's girlfriend): the cheerleader bad girl.

Timothy: the British gay boy

I told them about myself except for the dead sister part. I didn't want them to end up being my friends out of pity.

We talked and talked. I was really liking my first day until it happened. That same boy I was eyeballing in the classroom dropped his entire lunch on me leaving chicken soup dripping from my hair.

The entire Cafeteria broke into laughter as I stood up with tears in my eyes and run as fast I could to the bathroom.

I simply called my mum from the stall in the girls bathroom. I couldn't stop shaking and because of all the crying I couldn't breathe either.

"Mum?" I let out lower than a whisper

" Ellie, what is it? I was just about to go on my break." She sounded annoyed and busy but I couldn't stay here looking and smelling like shit.

"Mum, please come pick me up." I was trying to let out words and trying to breathe at the same time.

"Honey, whats wrong? Are you sick? sweetheart I'll be right there." She said as her voice filled with concern

I heard the bathroom door open and heard a worried Taylor through the stall.

"Ellie?! Are you here?"

I opened the door and stood on the sink for balance. I couldn't stop crying. Taylor was trying to give me words of encouragement while she rubbed my back.

Knock knock.

We both drew our attention towards the door as a boy stood in front of us in the girls bathroom.

My eyes were blurry with all the tears but I noticed that tall, masculine body anywhere.

"I am so sorry, I didn't do it on purpose or -" the boy who was behind my mental breakdown was talking but quickly got interrupted by a random girl.

"Any of you named Ellie? Your Mum's looking for you in the principles office." The girl walked out and we all heard her burst into laughter.

Wow. What a great first day impression. The new girl gets a plate of food on her head and calls mummy for help.

Great. Just great.

Chapter 2 🙃 please comment and give suggestions on anything you would want me to add or correct 😗❗

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