It was once her dream to find The book of Amun Ra all by herself, to have her name in history and make her parents proud over finding the book she'd always been curious over. 

But her dream seemed to be never coming true, not anymore and she bitterly accepted that. 

Even forgotten over the lost city and just worked in The Museum of Antiquities, Coran as her boss and she was ... happy, yeah .. she was .. no, she wasn't. 

"A new book?" Katie asked, glancing up from the book she was re-reading to where her brother sat on her Sofa stroking her pet cat Rover. 

"Yes, it's going to be a very special book too. Decided to my darling sister who's the greatest genius in the world. It's based on something rather close to your heart, something you've always loved, an honest and innocent love. I've always wanted to do a book like this for you and well, now that I've seen you at your worse I'm going to help bring that love back, force all those still butterflies to come swarming back in your stomach. I won't let you give this one up, so, I'm writing a book" Matt replied, his voice serious but caring as his eyes shined with hope and determination as he turned to his sister.

"Matt, your speaking crazy. I have all that I love already, I've got my family. That's all I need and I've got a stable job that at least let's me show my intelligence instead of being forced to become a brainless puppet like most women" Katie sighed, rolling her eyes and closing her book before playing it on the small table beside her chair. 

"Don't speak like that, it only pains me more. Look at you, Pidgeon, have you see the look in your eyes over the years? That gorgeous and burning flame that you once held in your eyes have turned dull, it's burnt out and became nothing but smoky air. Katie, I love you and I love how much your eyes sparkle when your faced with the unknown and how much wonder fills your eyes when you're reading about the past. Father and Mother cherished your excitement over wanting to explore and learn more over Egypt past, they cheered for you to want to explore it all. I want the same, I don't want you trapped to this boring life where your wings can't be spread, where you can't fly off. That's why, as your brother, I promise you that your going to have that fire back in yours eyes once more" Matt spoke up, his voice urgent, promising and soft as he walked over to his sister, kneeling down in front of her and taking her hands in his. His eyes showing how important this all was to him and how pained he was to see her slowly being chained down to the simple life that she clearly didn't love. 

"What's the book about?" Katie asked with a sweet smile, giving her brother hands a comforting squeeze.

"That's a secret. My research trip will take a single year, you've got that year to try and figure out what you use to love as much as you did the family. And, if you don't, if you've can't find that love, my book will find it for you instead" Matt grinned, giving their link hands a reassuring squeeze before he pushed himself to stand. 

"A year! You'll be gone a whole year. You've never been gone a whole year in a row, you've always returned before a whole year would pass. I-Is this book really that important, can't you just magically slap the love back into me instead" Katie whispered yelled in surprise, a little panicked over her brother being gone so long. The longest he's ever been gone for is nine and half months but even then he'd send her weekly letters. 

"I know but in my eyes, it's worth the time. I won't be able to send many letters since I won't just be camping in one place to much but just know, I'll be back in a year. Just know, I'd miss you as much as you'll miss me. But, at least Lance will be close for you. You two look after each other while I'm gone and once I've returned, the tip would be worth it all. I'm just .. I'm gonna miss you, Pidgeon" Matt weakly smiled as he knew his sister wouldn't like this part of the news. Bringing her into a hug as he really was going to miss her and hated leaving her behind for so long but he had to. It's his duty as a brother to stop his sister from becoming an dull empty shell, he won't let her lose herself, he couldn't ever forgive himself if he did. 

"I'll be here when you return. I'll even make sure Lance is still alive as much of himself as he could be without seeing you for a year" Katie promised, a small smile on her lips as she knew she couldn't keep her brother back. If he needed to do this than she'd just have to support him over it. 

"Thanks. I leave in a month, until than, we'll spend all the time we can together and fill our minds up with many happy memories. Keep the loneliness away while I'm gone and we're apart. Of course, I'll make some days for just Lance and I. You know how much my boyfriend needs his attention and spoiling, he'd be a mess without me for so long. I'm leaving him in your hands before I can fill him up with affection again" Matt smiled, scratching the back of his hair as he knew what his spoiled boyfriend was like. 

"I'll look after Lance, he's my favourite man child after all and hopefully, brother in law to" Katie smirked back, crossing her arms over her stomach as her brother blushed. 

"Stop filling his head with marriage. Remember when we were children and he'd chose to be my wife before we even dated. He was so sure he'd be able to give birth to my children. He cried for weeks when we had to give him the Birds and the Bees talk. I'm not doing that all over again" Matt sighed, placing his hands on his hips and looking like an old man while his sister snickered over the memory. 

"I can't believe his own family didn't give him the talk already. He's only an year old than me and I already knew" Katie snorted without any shame while Matt just shook his head amused. 

"Lance has always been a little slow but that just helps him become complete with us who's always thinking too much. Our brains are always busy while his is always empty, we help each other stay in the middle when together" Matt smiled softly, a fond look in his eyes as his sister just smiled.

"One year, one year from next month and both Lance and I will be expecting your glorious return. If you don't, I promise to hunt you down and drag you back home. I won't forgive you if you vanish too nor will I let you make Lance cry. He's our family too now, we protect each other from our hearts breaking remember" Katie spoke up, placing one hand on her hip and using her other hand to poke at her brother chest to show how serious she was being about this. 

"I'll make sure to come back, Katie. Even if I have to face off a curse to do so, I've got to bring that love back for you after all" Matt grinned, ruffling his sister hair and helping to comfort her a little. 

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