"Wassup"makari said closing the door

"Hey"they said to him

"When u come back"she asked him

"Just now and thank you for helping me with my apartment"he said to her

"Your welcome"our dad said

"You knew she had a boyfriend"he asked makari

"Malik don't make this a big deal" she said but he ignored her

"No I didn't know that" he said

"It's one of Ciara cousins"he asked

"Kevin and nem"he asked

"No don't even look at nun of them like that" I said making a face

"Kevin"my dad asked

"Name sound familiar"he said

"Tavon get off my phone"I said laughing

"Okay but yo man got out of jail earlier than what he supposed to" he said

"Tavon stop tryna put me on I'm already going with somebody" I said

"Yea that opp ass nigga"he said

"Why don't y'all tell me what happened between y'all" I asked

"Because it's not my story to tell" he said

"No tavon otp with his girlfriend"I heard

"No the hell im not"he said

"Tavon stop cussing in my damn house for I make all y'all go home"I heard somebody yell

"But do that for me tho and don't forget" He said

"Okay send me her socials" I said and tykeim texted me saying he was at the door

"I will" he said hanging up and I got up to go open the door but Mack beat me to it

"Pops her bf here"he yelled

"Let's hurry" I said making him laugh but I'm dead serious

"Hermione"my dad said

"What's yo name" he asked him

"Tykeim Marshall"tykeim said and my dad pulled out his gun making tykeim do the same

"Go upstairs Mack take yo sister"he said not taking his eyes off of tykeim

"Let's go Mimi"Mack said

"No" I said

"Why are u doing this" I asked getting mad

"Mila take yo ass upstairs now stop asking me all these damn questions" he said calmly and we went upstairs

"What happened"my mama asked

"Just go downstairs mama"Mack said and I went downstairs


"So you had this all figure out" Malik asked remembering the last name we figured out the last name who killed John and Keith.

The dude name we found out he nowhere to be found I guess this his son or nephew Malik had thought.

"Nah I don't know what u talking about" tykeim said nervous while still pointing his gun at Malik

"Stay tf away from my daughter" Malik said still pointing his gun at him

"That's not up to you malik"Tykeim said smirking

"Y'all stay up here don't leave from up here" I said to them

"Ma I'm finna leave"makari said while texting Ciara he was on his way

"Umm makari stay up here for 30 minutes right quick"Deja said

"Something happened"makari asked

"Yea just don't go downstairs yet"Deja said and he went back in his room closing the door

"Do my daughter know what u know"Malik asked

"I don't know what your referring to"tykeim said

"John and the other dude who got shoot up had nothing to do with me"tykeim said making Deja stop on the steps and gasp

"Get tf out my house and leave my daughter alone that's all I gotta say"Malik said  scaring Deja they didn't know she was on the steps and tykeim put his gun away and walked out his house slamming the door about to hit up jyresse to plan something and Malik put his gun away.

"Fuck"Malik yelled while rubbing his head and Deja walked downstairs going over to him

"Malik"Deja said hugging him

"When u get down here"Malik asking

"Malik I heard it"Deja said letting him know she knew he was go do something behind her back

"Don't worry about that shit go tell them to get some clothes pack for at least a week"Malik said about to make them stay with Deja mom since tykeim know where they stay and he wasn't taking no chances.

"Okay"Deja said not asking questions and makari came downstairs.Deja walked away going to Maverick room first

"Don't come here for at least a week makari"Malik said

"Why what happened"makari asked

"Just fucking listen I'm not answering no questions I'll let you know when you can come back.Be fully area of your surroundings u feel like something matter of fact share yo location with me"Malik said because if something happened to his oldest son he not ready for that type of pain.

"Follow me"Malik said and they went downstairs

"Mila just pack I can't answer no questions rn and your dad he can't either he's not dtm this time"Deja said

"Give me your phone and iPad"deja said and mila gave her it and deja walked out going to her and Malik room

"Keep this shit on you this not nothing to flash off u feel like something wrong call me"Malik said

"This something I don't want y'all to worry about but I want you safe because something happens to any one of y'all in this house I'll lose it"Malik said giving him the register gun

"Don't use it until you have to"Malik said

"Okay dad"makari said

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