Notes about this Book

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Greetings readers!

I'm excited to be back with more stories about Alexis, Elinor, and their friends! As we anxiously await/dread the end of the Star of Gryffindor series, I hope you enjoy these fun stories that give you some insight into the lives of others in the wizarding world while the Gryffingang faces their  conflicts.

Again, with this being a fanfiction of a fanfiction, there are some things you should keep  in mind as you read Tales from the Auror Office:

1) This book follows the canon of The Star of Gryffindor series (by @Smile_its_Elli) and, by extension, the original Harry Potter series. In addition, most of the stories in this book are set after the events of The Golden Lock, my other short story in canon with The Star of Gryffindor.

Also please note, this book contains ******SPOILERS***** for The Star of Gryffindor series and The Golden Lock, as most events occur after or simultaneous to events in those books. You have been warned :)

2) The layout of this book won't be very traditional: chapters may jump around chronologically, may be read as stand-alone stories within the canon universe, and/or might be super short blurbs or long elaborate stories. Flexibility is the name of the game here - I make no promises about the frequency of updates either :)

3) Pay attention to the dates if you want to keep up with where things fall in the Star of Gryffindor timeline. I will try to include a rough time stamp at the beginning of each installment for when each story occurs, which can also tell you how old the characters are at that time.

Overall, it's all about exploring this world and these characters more. There's always more than one (or two or three) side(s) to the same story. May this narrative remind us to consider the perspectives of others and value their own stories as much as our own.

Hope you enjoy reading!
Grace & peace, <3 inked_depths

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