"Really. You must be close then. Am I right?" Choi Myung Hee asked.

"I'm close with all my interns. If you are done, please leave. I have work to do." Cha Young stated.

"A good guest knows when to leave." She got up from her seat. She then turns to Na-Ri, "Go back to work. We're busy today." She leaves Jipuragi but not before Vincenzo was talking in that soft voice of his.

When they concluded she wasn't still outside, Na-Ri laughed, "What was that voice, Cenzo? I'm telling Luca this."

"Yah, I had to alter my voice so she wouldn't know it was me who threatened her." He exclaimed.

"Should've altered your voice then." She pulled out her phone and called Luca. She got up and started walking away. "Luca, hai da fare in questo momento?" (Luca, are you busy right now.)

"Lilia, don't tell him anything." He yelled.

Na-Ri stuck out her tongue and left Jipuragi. She hung up the call. He didn't pick it up. It was like 4 a.m there.


Na-Ri entered Wusang and saw Jun Woo bringing in a box. She ran up to him.

"Hi, Jun Woo."

He looked down at her and smiled, "Hi, Na-Ri. Guess what?"


"I just got promoted. I'm officially a partner at Wusang now." He cheered.

"Congratulations, Jun Woo!" Na-Ri patted his head. She looked at the box, "Are these your things?"

"Yeah, I'm moving into my office right now. Want to help?"

"Sure." She took the box out of his hands and walked with him to his office. She stood in front of his office. "Cha Young's office is yours now?"

"Yeah, it was the only vacant one." Na-Ri nodded.

They walked inside and she put the box down on his desk. She started helping him unpack his stuff. Jun Woo then told her that he had a box in his car and asked if she could get it. Na-Ri agreed and left his room.

When she left, Jun Woo started calling Han Seo. He ordered him to tell the public to release BLSD knowing it isn't ready.

"Also, do you have everything prepared for Na-Ri?" He asked Han Seo.

"Yes, sir but are you sure you want to do this? She is your girlfriend." Han Seo warned Jun Woo.

"She'll be fine. They won't hurt her." Jun Woo looked down at a pen. "Now do what I say." He spoke in a low tone.

"Yes, sir."

Jun Woo hung up the phone. He put his pen back in its cup. Na-Ri came in holding another box. She walked over to the table and set it down then walked over to Jun Woo.

Na-Ri put her arms around his neck. "Now that you're a partner, do you need an assistant?" She asked.

"Of course. Will you be my assistant, Miss Kang?"

She smiled at him. "Yes. Are you going to help lead the Babel case?"

"I don't know. I've been assigned by the elks." He caressed her cheek with his hand. "Why? Do you want me to be on the Babel case?"

Na-Ri let out a small laugh. She dropped her arms and walked away looking at the box on the table. "No, it would be better for you if you weren't involved. Babel is dangerous." She stated.

"Are you getting involved?" He asked.

"Yes." She let out a sigh.

"Babel's dangerous though. Like you said."

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