"I never saw."

"Very well. Can you tell everyone where you were the day of the rape?"

Kirishima glared over at Katsuki for merely a moment. "We got home earlier than my mom. Bakugou said he was hungry, so I offered to go get food. When I asked if he wanted to come with me, he said no. I went alone and when I came back, Bakugou was ruffled up a little and uncomfortable the rest of the day."

"And how did Fuji seem after?"

"Pent up. Quieter. He was angry and yelled at us when we tried talking to him." Kuro smirked slightly. Swiveling to the judge with a proud smile.

"No further questions, your honor." just as Kuro strode away from Kirishima, Kenta stepped forward. Adjusting his suit as he walked towards the redhead.

"What time did you leave the house to go get the food?" Kirishima turned away from the lawyer, refusing to even look him in the eye. The counselor confusingly stared at him.


"I'm not talking to you. I refuse to answer any questions from him." the judge slammed his gravel as Kirishima looked over at him.

"You have to answer the questions, Kirishima." the redhead glared at the man in front of him.

"What time did you arrive back home?"

"Four fifteen."

"You described Bakugou to be ruffled up, is that correct?"


"Where did he seem to be ruffled up by?"

Kirishima thought about the question for longer than foreseen. "His jeans. Specifically his buckle. I remember how it was loose and how upset he was to look at it."

Kenta nodded. "No further questions, your honor."


"The people call up Katsuki Bakugou to the stand." Katsuki tapped on his lawyer's shoulder. The man stood up, supporting the blonde limp over towards the court stand.

The teen was still in extreme pain. The juries couldn't help but feel pity for the boy's injuries and the trauma struck face he held. After he fitted himself in the chair, he positioned his hand on top of a book.

"I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Katsuki removed his hand from the book. Readying himself for the questions that'd be hurled his way.

Kuro stood up. Sauntering towards the blonde with ego and confidence emitting off of him. "Bakugou. How old are you?"

"I'm-I'm sixteen."

"I'm only going to ask this once and I'm hoping you answer truthfully to the manner. Did you rape Fuji Kirishima?"

"No. I didn't." the lawyer lifted an eyebrow in skepticism. Quickly striding back to the table, the adviser yanked up two DNA manuscripts.

Holding them up for Katsuki's view, the teen gazed at them in confusion. "Tell me, Bakugou. Are these papers identical?"


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