Vacation thunder pt 3

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^other rare^

"Hey I'm sorry for the way my sisters been treating you" max ran after me
"No no she's right I'm a witch evil I'm evil and you guys whatever you are your good.." you cried "look she had a bad experience with a witch but that's no reason to put it on you." Max explained
"Yea ok but I don't even know how ima witch idk my mom or my dad what the hell is going on" your voice cracked
The memory's came rushing back things from when you were 5 you had no idea how but it came back.
"Wait my names Claire or was I remember.." you said
Max stared at you with shock
"You and phoebe were my best friends-"
He knew his parents told him but not phoebe because she would freak she's been looking for you all along
You run in to hug max and you feel that rush of attraction again but ignore it
Your best friends were back at least one was
Back at the hotel you and your brother get settled in
Your brother Dan/billy wanted to sleep with your mom so you got an empty bed for yourself but you couldn't stop tossing and turning you couldn't sleep the thought of the past rushed in your mind then a voice
"The relm needs you to destroy" then you wake up in a gray cloud of nothingness
"We need the powers from the daughter of
Heather Miller the lightness witch" a voice of a women appeared and so did Xander
"XANDER?" You shouted as you couldn't move
"Awww you thought that all that training will come for free" he mimicked
" we can see your every move Claire"
"ITS Y/N" you struggle
" she still trying to live in denial" " isn't that cute mom" he asked
" enough Xander let me explain to this poor little General which what's going on" The woman proceeded " I am the dark witch and your mother the light which betrayed me so for this I will need your powers to destroy the relm" she smirked " I doubt you know what the realm is since you're a new witch"
You didn't so you sat there silently
" well it's the entrance to the world of the magic it's where all the powerful witches stand" " and once I have your powers I can destroy it once and for all all the witch is gone and me the only witch alive"
" but why do you need my powers" you softly argue " because the only way I can get rid of the realm is with the light and dark Witch  combined" "so I'm taking your powers"
" it will be a long process though we need a kanay and everything-"
" don't worry Xander I'll get that in a month"
" now you Claire you have a month to use your powers and once I find that kanay they'll be mine" the women release you and you wake up " wait was that a dream" your hoping it was a dream
(Definition of a kanay is a person from a tribe that has powers and the only person that can be used to transmit Powers from person to person)

𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ ♡︎ 𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑡ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑛 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now