prologue: happy endings

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Oh, they tell you a lot of lies in your childhood.

    Of course, at the time, you believe those lies. You think they’re the truth because your little head doesn't know any different.

    Most of them a white lies.

    A few of them aren’t.

    Those are the biggest ones. The ones that matter the most.

    “Everyone gets a happy ending!” They’ll tell you. As you grow up, it matures with you to: “Everyone has a happy ending; if it’s not happy, it’s not the end!”.

    And you believe it, too.

    But luckily for you, I’m here to burst your little, safety bubble before it gets smashed against the black rocks, and tell you the truth.

    We don’t all get happy endings.

    In fact, hardly anyone does.

    I realised that a while ago, after I really saw how the world works.

    How some people live in poverty and shacks, while others bask in cash.

    How the world is slowly dying, and there isn't anything we can do to help.

    And how no matter what you do, it won’t make a difference. Not really.

    In two hundred years time, will anyone remember your name?

    Will anyone remember me, Kalani Hilliker?

    I don't think so.

    We live in a hell that’s been talked up to seem like heaven.

    You can go on living the lies if you want, blissfully innocent.

    Me? Well I’m going to find heaven on earth, if it even exists.

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