Stone Cocoon

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I kinda wanna ship our mc with the golden guard

Tell me what you think


the manager of the shop that tried to ruin Zoe's had to hide, they currently had to stay in a bar sotheu wouldn't be found

if it was known they were here, they could be killed, all because the girl gave them faulty recipes

the manager growled just thinking about it, so they decided to take a stroll outside away from people

that was a mistake, the manager began hearing sounds, it sounded like...bees

he looked towards the source and saw a small swarm of fire bees heading towards him

they weren't a witch, they couldn't do anything about them so they decided to run

and another swarm was waiting for them, they stopped and the fire bees attacked


Mothins caught the manager...but Zoe caught him

Mothins flinched in horror as he saw Zoe

and as Zoe watched as the fire bees burned the manager to death, she started crying

and ran back home in tears


It's been a while since the fiesta, all was well during that time, Zoe cried after knowing that Mothins killed a person, she saw it using their connection

She knew what death was, she did kill before, and although it was common on the isles, she didn't want to be part of it again

Mothins managed to cheer her up after promising to be a little more forgiving and to never do it again....unless they have to

And Zoe agreed reluctantly, she knew she might have to do it again one day, they did live on the boiling isles after

And now, a few days later after their emotions cooled down, they stayed at their knee home

"Do you want to go on a picnic Mothins?" Asked Vivian happily and Mothins, who was currently a white and blue moth of frost, squeaked happily in response "then let's go"

The two walked out of their home and into the snow, today they were in their knee-home, it was a cozy place surrounded by snow and slither beasts

They were on a bit of a break from work, they did foc the shop a long time ago, but sometimes, it's exhausting to work this much

"Unfortunate isn't it? We weren't able to do our moonlight conjuring this year, the emperor's coven is really getting restless when it comes to chasing us" said Vivian patting the head of her palisman "do you think we'll be caught one day, separated__"

Vivian was cut off by Mothins offering her some self-made ice cream

"Thanks Mothins, you're the best" said Vivian taking her ice cream before Mothins squeaked happily


The golden guard was frustrated, catching the moth lady or mothwing as the wild witches called her, was an awful task

Although it was more of a personal project than a direct order from the emperor who didn't even know about him hunting her, having to catch an opponent who fights differently every time you face them and has homes all over the isles, some hidden and some protected by beasts, was a near impossible task

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