Silkworm munchers

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Zoe Mulberry, a 15 year old known as the greatest tailor on the boiling isles, making enchanted clothes from all types of thread,silk and fabric, clothes made how one would exactly want them

And now, that Zoe has a competitor! Or at least she thinks so, nothing really changed other than the new giant tailor shop that opened across the street

She wanted to give them a welcome gift, but they threw her and her gift out

Mothins instantly wanted to commit a crime the moment he heard of what happened

"It's okay Mothins, they didn't do much" said Zoe happily before pulling the grumpy larva into a hug "but thank you for worrying about me Mothins"

(I just realized I wrote it larvae instead of Larva in the last chapter sorry for that)

The black and white colored larva squeaked in response

"I know, I'm kinda new to the whole competition thing, but is giving them welcome cake a bad thing?" said Zoe pondering "maybe I should ask Eda"

Mothins squeaked in agreement

"Ok, but now, can you read me a bedtime story?" Said Zoe with puppy eyes

Mothins squeaked as if sighing before squeaking out a bedtime story, and Zoe slept half way through it, soon after, Mothins turned the light off and went to cocoon himself

Tomorrow was gonna be a long day


Zoe was happily skipping towards her shop

She had clothes ready in a basket in her hand, ready to be delivered

Then someone decided to throw mud at her, it easily bounced off of her white cloak

"Stop your brainwashing villain!" Said a short guy as he threw another ball of mud at Zoe

"Villain? Where?" Asked Zoe looking around in confusion "wait, me?"

Another mud ball was thrown only to fall on the ground

Zoe shrugged and just continued walking to her shop without any other incidents

She opened up shop and waited for customers

"Oh, hello miss Jenkinmire, It's good to see you" said Zoe happily as an old lady entered her shop "how are you today?"

"Hello little Mulberry! I'm great thank you" said Mrs Jenkinmire happily "but how are you you little pie?"

"I'm fine thank you, but for some reason today someone called me a villain for some reason, how crazy is that?" Said Zoe giggling

"Oh, those stupid rumors"

"Wait, rumors?" Asked Zoe in confusion

"Yes, there have been a lot of rumors going around you recently, i guess some people just can't accept  that this little girl can do so much on her own"

"Aww, thank you miss Jenkinmire, here are your clothes by the way" said Zoe handing the old lady neatly done clothes

"I wish my students were as sweet as you are" said Jenkinmire cheerfully "see you later dear, stay safe!"

Zoe waved cheerfully as mrs Jenkinmire left

"Rumors huh, i hope it doesn't turn into a big deal"

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