An Intimate Feeling (Part I)

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"Ahh Megumi!"

I crouched down and opened my arms for the one-year-old to happily run to hug me. Once in my embrace, I sat him on my arm and picked him when I stood up. It was not until I saw his face close-up when I noticed the wet nose and dried tears on his chubby cheeks.

"Oh, Megumi, what happened?" I reached for a tissue to wipe his nose.

"He was crying all this morning and all the way here during the drive, but immediately got happy once he saw you."

Walking towards us was Toji Fushiguro, dressed smartly in his black 3-piece suit, even when he was past his mid-thirties, he still took great care of his body and looks, actively keeping himself fit and healthy, and all the while running his own business. So as a single father, he would leave his child in the nursery school that I worked in.

"Awwh, Megi you can't be giving Mr Fushiguro trouble every morning," I gently pinched his cheek, but he just giggled happily.

"He really likes you," Toji smiled, patting on his child's head, "Oi, kid, don't give too much trouble for young (Y/N), she's got other kids to look after as well."

Megumi blankly stared at his father, then stuck his tongue out and gleefully snuggled to me.

"O-Oi," Toji became irritated.

"Ah, Mr Fushiguro, you should get going or you'll be late," I decided to interrupt their usual, morning feud.

"Don't spoil him too much, (Y/N), he's becoming more and more conceited."

"Sir, he's only one!" I laughed, "He's hardly going to develop a vain personality at this age."

"You don't know him outside of this," Toji frowned, "Anyway, I might be a bit late to pick him up, would it be okay for someone to keep an eye on him until I arrive?"

"Don't worry sir, I'll stay with him."

"Thank you."

I watched as Toji left the building, and I headed inside with the other kids and colleagues who were beginning to start the school day.

Later during the day, I was having my lunch in the staff room whilst chatting to my boyfriend, Ito.

"Baby, we were supposed to go on a date," he spoke over the phone.

"I know, but it's work," I replied, "We can still go some other time."

"You owe big time, (Y/N)," he muttered.

"Yeah, yeah."

"With sex," he chuckled.

"You nasty, boy," I laughed, "Anyway, my break's almost over, I'll talk to you later."

"Sure... oh! Since our date's cancelled, I'm going out of town then and probably come back after the weekend, cool?"

"Oh, okay then," I replied, feeling slightly disappointed as I had hoped to spend my weekend with him.

"Awesome, see ya, babe."

"See ya."

After my break, I headed back to the kids. As I was changing a child's nappy, Megumi waddled beside me and clamped himself to my leg.

"Megi, what is it?" I dragged my leg with Megumi attached to me as I went to wash my hands.

"Huggy," he mumbled with his arms raised up.

"Oh," I picked him up and hugged him, "Awh, you're shooo cute, Megi!"

I could not help but snuggle my cheek to his, which made him giggle in delight and wave his chubby arms in the air. The entire day was filled with keeping the kids happy, between changing and feeding them, and playing with them; however, if I gave my attention to another toddler for too long, then Megumi would get grumpy, crawl, and lock himself around my leg until I gave my attention to him.

An Intimate Feeling   *[Toji Fushiguro X Reader]*Where stories live. Discover now