the safezone

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Man, everyone wanted Ais to be Bell's Waifu but I don't blame them anyways let's continue where we left Off

Currently Welf was using his sword to cutting through some monsters while Bell was blasting some monsters away

Welf: hey Bell you I appreciate the help but please don't over do it.
Bell: Don't worry I won't


We see the Elf from last time Killing some Al-Miraj's at incredible speeds while Peter disappeared in the blink of an eye and then came back 6 seconds with a bunch of magic stones
Mikato: so that's the power of first class adventurer.
Peter: come on we don't have much time for all we know Bell could be fighting to the death with monsters right now.
Hestia: yes let's hurry

They start walking but they then see a bunch of boulders in the way
Ryu: what happened here?
Ouka: seems like a cave-in
Peter: well no dip Sherlock!
Ryu starts climbing the rocks
Hestia slowly starts walking to the huge amounts of boulders and she then pulls out a knife from the rocks
Hestia: t-this is Bell's
Ryu then finishes climbing and sees some potions, magic stones, and even some weapons
Peter: remember we should go to floor 18 that's where they probably are.
Ouka: but why wo-
Peter: didn't you pay attention earlier I said that they would probably go to floor 18 since I can't either sense them and because they still haven't come back and as proof that Bell isn't dead Hestia can still feel the blessing that she gave Bell as long as she says he isn't dead he isn't dead Capeesh
Ouka: Capeesh
Peter: good.
Ryu: the more time we waste talking the more time we're giving monsters to kill Mr.Cranel so shut up and move.
Peter: ok.

With Bell
Welf: Ignite Heretic Magic will of the Wisp

Welf starts to collapse
Bell: Welf come on wake up! Damn it it's mind down hey Lili what should we do?
But he sees Lili and the floor
Bell: oh come on.
Bell then takes Lili's backpack off and picks up both Wefl and Lili
Bell: we're gonna make it don't worry I'll make sure of it.
He continues flying until he finds a hole 🕳
Bell: (this should be floor 17 let's just hope we have enough time to spare)
Bell then floats down to the bottom

Hestia: why do you want to help Bell, Hermès?
Hermès: I told you I just want to help an old fri-
Hestia: just stop it I'm not stupid so tell me why?
Hermès: are you sure about that?
Hestia: I will kill you.
Hermès: not if my familia kills you first. But as for your question the boy has caught my attention and of another God that shall not be named.
Hestia: wait you don't mean-
Hermès: yes HE is now interested in the boy but he never told me why.
Hestia: (well Fook)

Back with our favorite monke
Bell: oh you've got to be kidding me! There's more?!
He the looks to his side
Bell: That's the great wall of Lamentation (dang it that mean Goliath is just about ready to spawn, but Lili said that if we hurry we can just barely make it let's just hope that's true. Don't fail me now body)
Bell starts to fly across the room
But he hears cracks coming from. The wall and sees Goliath coming out of there
Bell: oh my God, it's hideous!
Goliath: they ask you if your fine but your not really fine but you've got to say that your fine

[A/N: I do these for a reason and that reason if for people that have slow Wi-Fi can enjoy the memes ok back to the story]
Goliath: roooaarrr (you mother facker!)
Bell: "think I mad him angry now time to spilt" he says as he flies faster
Goliath: "rooaarr (get over here!)" It screams while trying to grab Bell
Bell: "Yeeeeet!" He yells while diving down another hole
He then starts rolling along with Welf and Lili
Goliath: roarr (come back here!)
Bell: (they see me rolling he hating- OOF! Think I broke another rib)
Bell falls face first on the ground but not and rock but on grass
Bell looks up and sees somebody's heels
Bell: "help my friends please, I beg of you" He says while coughing up some blood and finally fainting
The woman is then revealed to be ais the woman that captured the heart of our protagonist but he still doesn't know it
Ais: (I need to bring him to the campsite)
Time skip
Bell's POV

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