A Past That I would Like to Forget . . .

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Your POV : 

I wake up slowly, and am very warm. I look around and finally process the faces around me. 

"Kevin!" Instantly Kevin has me in a hug, and the others run to us. "Kevin..."

"Yeah cuz?" He pulls away from the hug and looks at me.

"Kevin? Do you remember - actually nevermind... when are we going home?" Kevin tilts his head at me, clearly disappointed that I didn't continue my original question, but then stretches.

"Sadly cuz, Charmcaster stuck you here. So until we find a way to break that charm, your stuck here for a while, and to that extent we are stuck here too, because there ain't no way in hell we are leaving you with these dudes again. They drained you." Kevin glared at the paladins, before looking back at me," I've honestly never seen you as tired as what you were a few hours ago."

"Are you okay, Y/n?" Rook looks at me with one huge question present in his eyes, and I'm not gonna lie, I don't know the answer to his question, not after seeing.


"00013! Wake up! It's time to continue the process." I watched as a very young me, about 2 years old, was dragged out of a cell, and towards a rainbow covered tube. They put me in the tube, and then thing speed up, until finally they put me out of the tube, and I am lined up with two boys that I feel like I should know, many little girls, and a 3 year old Kevin. 

"Welcome, children of the rainbow room! You are now, our soldiers! These boys in front of you are going to be the children you must protect with your lives! Their parents shall now decide which one of you they will take!" I watched as Kevin's father looks over all the little girls, and the other children's parents do the same. 

I was the only unique one, for no one knew what I was, no matter how hard they tried to class young me. Before this scene, I look to see a baby, probably 2 weeks old me.

"Hm... this child shall be the in a forgotten class. The Holo class. Welcome to the rainbow room H00013." 

I watched as they trained young giving me many injections. They started training when I was 1 year old, by basically downloading the information into my young head, form information on all forms of magic, hand to hand fighting, and weapons usage. Saying I would later put all this information into practice. 

Then I was put back in the choosing. Kevin's father stopped when seeing me, and points to me. "We'll take her." The man nods, and young me gets pushed to young Kevin, and his father. 

Then a commotion starts with the other parents, "NO! They are our child, we want them to protect their brothers!"

"I'm sorry Ms. L/n, but it's first come first serve. So they now belongs to Mr.Leven." With that young me takes Kevins hand, and walks behind Kevin's father, ignoring my biological parents screams for me. 


I am not Kevin's cousin like Mr.Leven said. I am a bodyguard that they bought form the Rainbow Room. 

I hold on tightly to Kevin's hand, which he doesn't acknowledge he just looks at the plate up in front of him. It's know dinner time, and we are all sitting at the table, but I am in a ball, and clutching Kevin's hand. 

"Hey Rook, this looks like your cooking." Ben says and Rook looks at the food for a second, and then smacks Ben in the face with the goo. "HEY!" Then they begin 'wrestling' trying to pin the other. 

The air is light, and people are laughing, but I just cling to Kevin. Gwen slide next to me, and begins whispering to me. 

"Y/n, what's wrong?" I look at her for a second, then squeeze Kevin's hand. 

I barely whisper back, "everything I know is a lie."

She gots to kneel in front of me, and whispers back, "what do you mean?"

I touch our foreheads together, and show her what I saw. She recoils, and looks at me with great sadness, and hugs me gently. 

"This doesn't change anything Y/n, we all will still love you the same, I swear. Though Ben will say some crazy things now-"

"My past, is A Past I Would Like To Forget. . . now that there is one, I don't want it to be a part of my life. . . or at least, after we, or I destroy the rainbow room..." She nods her head, and hugs me tightly while I hold Kevins hand so tightly he flinches and turn over to look at me. 

I feel Gwen mouth something to him, then he goes back to arguing with Ben, and Rook. 

~Time Skip No One's POV ~ 

"Gwen, what is up with Y/n?" She looks at him, before glancing at Y/n's sleeping form, still clutching onto Kevin's hand for dear life. 

Gwen sighs before sitting right next to Him, and touching their foreheads together. She shows him what you showed her, and Kevin looks at you with sadness in his eyes. "Does this change anything Kevin?"

"No. She is still my cousin, and she has protected me with my life for as long as I can remember, this one small fact means nothing in the grand scheme of our lives." He looks at you clutching his arm for dear live, and pats your head, before looking back at Gwen, and saying jokingly. "Though now I guess I need to thank the old man for choosing her instead of any of those other girls in the Rainbow room."

They chuckled, and both go move everything around so that way they were comfortable while you cling to his hand. 

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