The Grandmaster

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"BRING US BACK!" Loki screamed into the sky, flinging out his arms. "NO!" Thor replied, running forward. The Bi-Frost envelopes all of you. You, Thor and Loki zoom upward, held inside this celestial beam warping you towards Asgard. You, Loki and Thor look down to see Hela is in the Bi-Frost, behind and catching up. "Loki!" Thor said. You fire multiple elements at her, but she dodges each one. Hela attacks Loki, knocking him out of the Bi-Frost. "Loki!" You shouted. You and Thor shoot out of a wormhole, you both hit the ground. You see a large metal object falling from a different wormhole. "(Y/n), look out!" Thor shouted. You quickly stop it in midair with your magic. Thor sighs in relief. Then you let it fall to the ground.

You and Thor run up a dune to get away from the shower of debris. You and Thor reach the top of the dune and find yourselves looking down on a beach in a strange wasteland. You look around. You and Thor are at a filthy dune littered with space junk. Out across the ocean you notice a nightmare wormhole, a giant open cylinder of whirling smoke and lightning storms. A loud noise draws yours and Thor's attention to a huge rectangular ship hauling a crashed space vessel out of the water. Beneath the ship are various scrappers, masked humanoids. The ship is blasting weird music. A Scrapper notices you and Thor, then signals to his crew. "Are you fighters or are you food?" He asked. "We're just passing through." You said. "They are food. On your knees." The Scrapper said. Thor reaches out to summon Mjolnir. A reflex. Nothing. The lead Scrapper took out a rifle and pointed it toward Thor.

You smirked. "Don't worry Thor, I got this." You said. "Huh?" Thor asked. You summoned lightning in your hands. "(Y/n), what are you doing?" Thor asked. You suddenly kicked the one threatening Thor down with a foot of lightning. The others launched at you. You jumped up and attacked each one with lightning. Thor watched in shock at how quickly you took them down. You took the last one down and sighed. "Wow." Thor said. Suddenly more began to show up. You groaned. "Are you serious?" You asked. However, before you could attack, another spaceship appeared. The doors opened revealing a woman in armor holding beer. She took a big sip, then walked forward. "They're mine." She said. She began to sway, then fell off into the garbage below. You winced. You got prepared to fight the Scrappers, but she stopped everyone. "Wait!" She shouted. You all looked at her. "Wait." She said as she stood up.

"They're mine. So if you want them, you go through me." She said. The Scrappers start brandishing their weapons. "Alright then I guess I go through you." She said. "More food." The lead Scrapper said. She holds out her fists as if she's operating machinery. S142 clenches her fists and there is a horrible noise as Warsong opens fire. She sweeps her arms out in an arc, the spray of gunfire lasting three seconds. She bangs her fists again, sending the ship into idle mode. The Scrappers are now little more than tiny pieces of litter covering the beach. Thor is fixated on this beautiful murderer approaching. One final huge Scrapper comes at her with a bat. S142 casually grabs this Scrapper and hurls him up into the air behind her. "Impressive." You mumbled. "Thank you." Thor said. You narrowed your eyes.

"Who are you? And why are you here?" You asked suspiciously. She smirked. "I'm here for you two." She said. Your eyes widened. From her belt S142 flicks a small glowing disc which hurls into Thor's neck. Far in the background, the Scrapper she threw finally hits the ground with a loud thud. She went to attack you next, but you had disappeared. She looked around in confusion. "What?" She asked. She kept looking around for you, until you pulled a sneak attack on her and kicked her down with lightning. She grunted in pain, but quickly recovered. "Alright, you wanna battle? Bring it on." She said. She began aiming at you with her lasers, but you quickly dodged each one. You then punched her, with a fist of fire, giving her a burn mark. She went to kick you, but you dodged again. You then began firing ice at her. She dodged most of the attack. She grabbed a gun and began aiming at you, but you dodged each time.

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