"Helena" Helena... was there any victim named Helena? "O'Hare" she added "Are you a cop?"

Yes, she was reported missing a couple of days ago- well, three now. Rossi and I had gone to her neighbourhood to speak with the people there. Where was Rossi?

"Did the man bring anyone else?"

"No" she shook her head "Just you" Fuck...

Did Rossi and I get separated at some point? Shit... I can't remember anything!

I was about to ask the girl something else but got interrupted by the trap door opening behind me. Helena tore her eyes away from where the noise had come from, casting them on the floor.

"I see you're awake" the man approached us. Once I felt him close, I looked up to him, trying to get a look at his face. But I wasn't able to. The moment he saw my intentions, he slapped me across the face, whipping my head to the side "Don't you dare look at your master without permission" he hissed at me.

"Ouch..." I turned my head to its original position. I didn't even have time to register the first hit when the second one came through.

"You are not allowed to talk" Oh, fuck him "You'll learn the rules... eventually. Get up" he spoke the last part to both of us.

Helena stood up almost instantly and, even though I was struggling to do so myself, she made no move to try and help me. That was probably one of the rules: do not help each other.

Once I was on my feet -still slightly dizzy- the man walked around us, as if he were examining every inch of our body. He stopped right behind me, his original position and lifted his hand, pushing my hair out of the way so the side of my face, my neck and ear were exposed. His face inched closer, and I knew better than to push him away or make a snarky remark.

I felt his breath on my neck, and then he breathed in really deep, as if he were trying to decipher every component of my scent. I probably smelled of sweat at the moment.

I was slightly distracted at that certain action, that I was unable to see the movement of his leg: one second I was standing, the next one he had swept his foot to tackle mine and I fell on my back with a groan.

"Look at me" he ordered in a calm voice. And I did "Welcome home"


-Quantico, Virginia-

<<The man who visited me when I was at the hospital came back. He wants to talk about dad. But I don't... He brought someone, a special type of Agent- his name is Jason. He just stands in the room, asks me a question and waits for me to answer, which I never do. I hope he leaves me alone soon...>>

<<Jason has been coming more and more lately. He always brings something in hopes it catches my interest enough to talk to him. So far I only listen to what he has to say. He has a wonderful mind- I think you'd like him. He has a way of perceiving things and interpreting them that I rarely see anymore....>>

<<We played chess. I didn't win, but I was somewhat entertained- his game is really different from my dad's. He said he would teach me some moves, and I can't wait for him to do so...>>

<<They went through my things. I thought Jason would ask me if he ever needed to look through them, but he didn't. I know I shouldn't have hoped for him to be a friend- he's just here with me to do his job. He doesn't care. His kindness is merely superficial. I should have trusted my instincts...>>

<<He brought my diary to our meet-up. It's not like I write anything important in there, I just draw. It's a good thing that I keep this notebook with me twenty-four-seven, he would have found it otherwise. He started analysing the sketches and drawings, reading into them and spoke things about me. He thinks he's really smart, but he knows nothing. Spencer, do you think I'm stupid enough to actually represent what I'm feeling? I only draw what I want them to see. I wouldn't show my mind to anyone, not even to you. I'm sorry...>>

Fingertips | Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now