||18||First Day of School |

Start from the beginning

"Oh, you... you want me to play with you!? Really? You really want me to play with you?" her sad face perked up but now Yoshino was blankly staring at her. 

"If I didn't, I wouldn't have asked.(a/n; kids have no filters I swear!)"

"Same." Tsukiko nodded. The girl sweat dropped. Damn, they're both really blunt huh?

"No um... its just that no one likes to play with me because I have four arms. They say I have an advantage, a-and because of my skin..." Tsukiko blinked she and Yoshino shared an 'o' face as they both just realized that this girl had two colored skin.

Over her right eye, by her mouth and all over her arms, it made the white on her tan skin stand out. She wasn't dark skinned but they could see the difference. (a/n; she has vitiligo. Look it up if you don't know!)  Seeing the two watching her made her excitement falter and grow sad, thinking they're going to leave her now. Until Yoshino shrugged.

"Their loss then, so are you in?" the girl cheered up tears in her eyes as she gave a large smile.

"Hehe! Hai!" nodding the three kids left the sand box to play hide and seek.

"Okay! Let's go!"

"Wait. Didn't you say we needed two more, we've only found one more..."

"Well yeah but I forgot he wasn't here today so, next time. The three of us can play together fine anyway." shrugging Tsukiko had no more to say and they continued on with their game.

Once it was over Tsukiko was found the winner because not once did the other two manage to catch her when she was hiding, and she found them so easily when they hid. Yoshino was convinced she was cheating, but couldn't say the reasons when she asked him why. Tsukiko wasn't going to mention how she made a hideout on the very top of the tree by making extra branches so she won't be spotted or for her not to fall off, plus the two of them were just bad at hiding. 

Who hides in the slide, really? 

After their break class consisted of reading time and practicing to write the kanji for  their name or for any of their favorite colours. At lunch Tsukiko happily pulled out the bento Inko made for her and got to eating. Yoshino joined her and so did the girl they met at break.

Suki, you forgot to ask her name! Aria giggled faintly at the back of her mind. 

"Hey. I forgot to ask...what's your name?" Yoshino and the girl froze. They didn't know each other's name. Sighing Tsukiko ate her last bite of food "I'm Midoriya Tsukiko."

"Yoshino Tetsuya."

"Yuu Kaiya."

"Mm." nodding the multicolored haired child faintly thanked Aria for catching onto her forgetfulness otherwise they'd all have went the rest of the day not knowing her name and she theirs, probably until tomorrow, or even later if they were all this forgetful.

After lunch was Tsukiko's favorite time, nap time. While every other kid complained and whined about not wanting to sleep Tsukiko got one of the futons her sensei was supposed to give to her, rolled it out near the back of the room, dropped herself onto it and was out like a light in no time.

Yoshino and a few others–the ones not complaining– who were waiting on their sensei to give them their futons sweat dropped at the girl's actions.
Some even followed her lead and did it for themselves. Mrs Hitomi was silently thanking the child for being so cooperative with her seeing as she had some grumpy other kids to deal with. She was also really proud of the ones who got up and set up their futons for themselves. It made her internally cry and cheer because now she had something to brag about after school. 

Once nap time was over the kids went back to learning to write kanji by finishing up writing their names or the colours of their choice. Tsukiko was one of those who finished early and was glowing, literally, at the praise from her teacher and from Kion and Ryota, her mentors before, at her improvement at writing. 

She couldn't wait to show Izuku when he came for her.

Which she did, beaming as she showed him her first properly written kanji of her name. Seeing her glow like this threw Izuku's sulking down the sewage at how happy and excited Tsukiko was compared to how he left her that morning.

"Guess school wasn't so bad, ne?" Tsukiko hummed narrowing her eyes before she turned and walked forward 

"I guess it wasn't that bad..." Izuku had to laugh at her stubborn behavior. For the rest of the walk home, he did what everyone's other brother would have done.

He teased her about it.


I swear I didn't mean to stay away this long! One week, two tops but well...

Anyway! Thanks for waiting!

I was going through the comments and saw one that said they're waiting for angst. I would just like to say!

There is none!






For now!

So enjoy the happiness and

Izuku being a dorky big brother!

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