22. Late

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When the trio entered their classroom, Felix and Jisung stopped in their tracks.
"Is that the weird teacher you two mentioned?" Seungmin asked, seeing his friends frozen in the door.
Felix nodded while Jisung only examined the man once again, trying to somehow find something to make out who exactly he was and why none of the other students seem to mind the stranger. 

"Man, he's really giving me the creeps..." Felix muttered, a shudder running down his spine. "And I still haven't heard anything about Professor Babbling either."
"Yeah, this seems more than odd," Seungmin agreed but managed to get the group to move again, not wanting to seem suspicious. 
"Didn't Dumbledore say that he would do something about this?" Felix asked in a whisper when they sat down.
"He did, but maybe this isn't as easy to solve as we hoped..."
"Let's just ignore it for now," Jisung sighed, "we won't make it any better if we refuse to take part in his class."

The class dragged out endlessly, and it also didn't help that it felt like the Professor was talking some kind of gibberish half of the time, giving everyone a hard time understanding what they were supposed to do or know. 
"I think I have to redo this class on my own later on," Felix muttered when the class finally ended. 
Seungmin nodded in agreement. "Me too, how about we just do it together? Maybe we can ask one of the others to help us too."
"Sounds like a plan. Jisung, will you join us too?"
"Yeah, sure. Wouldn't be the worst to repeat it," the brunet agreed as well, finding their way to the next classroom. "Tonight already, or do you want to wait for later?"
"I'm free just about any evening, so whenever you're free," Felix shrugged, opening the door to the Transfiguration classroom. 
"I'm free too," Jisung said, looking over to his Slytherin friend who was looking at his phone.
"Uhm, I'll have to see, but I will tell you if I can join tonight," he grinned shyly and walked past the other two, sitting down on his seat.

"Hyunjin?" Felix asked Jisung in a whisper.
"I bet."

When it became time for dinner and the group found itself collected together yet again, the fourth-years once again complained about the weird teacher and that he was still present during class times but nowhere else to be seen. 

"Maybe it's a Metamorphmagus that just wants to prank the students for a bit," Changbin guessed with a shrug. "I don't believe that there can actually be a teacher here without Dumbledore knowing about it."
"That would be a very bad joke," Jeongin argued, "and it's not April Fools either, so there is no reason."
"Pranks aren't limited to April Fools," Chan chuckled. "But yes, it must be some kind of joke that the other teachers know about."
"Let's just wait it out," Minho also joined in, "it's not like we have any other choice." 

"But talking about him," Seungmin started, "we have no clue what our class was about today, so we wanted to work it up ourselves. Does one of you want to join and act as our teacher?"
The elders exchanged looks for a short second before they all nodded. 
"Sure, we all took that subject anyway," Hyunjin said, "so we could even do one-on-one lessons."
"If you're up to it, sure," Felix smiled, getting a bullying eye-roll from Jisung.
"I feel like I should take my redo-lesson far away from you two and your teachers," Jisung laughed, getting his shoulder and back hit by both his friends. "I'm not wrong, though!" he exclaimed laughing. 
"He really is," Chang agreed with the Slytherin, "if everyone does it themselves you can also choose your times better if it really shouldn't work out to do it at the same time."
"It's more fun in a group," Felix argued, Seungmin nodding immediately.
"And then we are at least three idiots trying to understand it."
"Okay, okay, then let's meet in the library later," Jisung laughed, "and whoever wants to teach us can join us."
"Seems reasonable."

In the end, they decided to meet after a few hours, giving them all some time to do their homework or attend to any other extracurricular activity they needed or wanted to.
Not having anything better to do, Jisung already went to the library, collecting all sorts of books that could be useful to go over the topic they wanted to, but also some other he could read to waste a bit of the time he would have to spend waiting. 

"Why could I imagine that you are already here?" a voice laughed behind him, causing the Slytherin to turn around.
"Hyunjin? What are you doing here already?" he asked.
The Hufflepuff sat down across from him. "I already finished everything I needed to, so I thought I could be on time for one," he explained. "But seems like all the others will be late this time."
"Is it already that late?" Jisung wondered. 
"Sure is. 7 p.m., like we agreed."
Jisung couldn't help but laugh. "Being late seems to be a thing with them, huh?"
"Kinda. But if you know you can at least plan a few minutes extra," the other shrugged.
"It's not as fashionable as people make it out to be," Jisung shook his head. "But at least two out of six are on time this time."

It didn't take all that long before Felix joined in, soon after Changbin also came, dragging Minho with him, only leaving Seungmin to arrive. 
"What's taking him so long? He usually isn't this late," Felix wondered, mindlessly flipping through one of the books on the table. 
"Maybe he forgot?" Changbin guessed.
Hyunjin shook his head. "That wouldn't make sense, we've been talking about it in the group chat the entire time..."
"I bet he just fell asleep," Jisung agreed to the other's argument and stood up. "I will go to our room, maybe he's there."
"I mean, if he isn't there and doesn't show up here while you look, I would be concerned," Felix mumbled, leaning back. "So better take your phone with you when you're in your room, then we can keep each other updated."
"Will do," Jisung nodded, leaving the library and finding his way to his dorm room.


this chapter is a real mess, I'm sorry. I had started it ages ago and when I picked it up again I didn't know where I wanted to take it anymore lmao. I will try to make the next chapter a bit more proper hahaha

other than that, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, even for the mess it is :')

If you wanna (and are 18+), feel free to follow me on twt @/Phi_JiJi
If by any chance, you are a writer and like to/are writing for ONF, please consider taking a look at the currently running ficfest on twt @/ONF_ficfest :)

See you next time~

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