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The sun shone down upon you and Eda, as you dragged her through the flower field of various hues and shades of different colours, "c'mon, isn't this kinda sappy?" she grumbled, face reddening just a tad. You stayed silent, only giving her a reassuring look every now and then.

"Just close your eyes and play along! Just a couple more steps.." you lifted her up into a princess carry, skipping onto the rocks that the river so conveniently provided; for fear that Eda make get soaked if you had led her into the water with her eyes closed.

"And.." you dropped her down gently, a big loving grin plastered on your face, "tadaaaa!" you hummed and presented her with a human trinket, "what's this?" she gave you a disapproving look, seeming rather unimpressed. "It's a human knick-knack," her gaze over you fell heavier, sweat trickled down your forehead, "try it!" you urged her onto the novelty.

Reluctantly, she got onto the "bike"; it was labelled, you balanced your hands under the handles as Eda adjusted herself onto the seat, "alright then, lets get this thing going!" 

"what're you-!" noticing the pedals, she crossed her legs on the limited space she had to sit on while casting a spell circle and as suddenly as she completed the circle, the bike itself began to peddle at an insane amount of speed. Leading you to be left behind and chasing her with your staff waved in the air, frantically trying to reverse the spell. 

The bike eventually crashed down due to lack of balance, "Eda!! Are you okay love?" you bent down the help her. Love, Eda thought, the words sunk into her heart, oh, she realized, dreading the thought of breaking the news to you.

She brushed the dirt off of her sleeves, "....yeah! I'm fine, this thing is not though," she nudged you a smiled, "why would you give such a dangerous thing to me!" she remarked sarcastically, snorting a little as you helped her up. "It was you who did that!" you gave her an impish look and chortled.

So she didn't, she let you walk her home and didn't say a word. "See ya tomorrow, k?" you said all soft and lovey dove with a wide stretched smile, though she didn't return it, "okay", she gave you a thumbs up and closed the door.

A day passed, you hadn't seen a sight of her the next day, fair enough, you thought. Then a couple more and eventually they turned into weeks and weeks turned into days. Not a single word from her.

You stood in front of her abode, your blade in hand, not to kill of course. Rather, to leave a souvenir, Eda had known that you preferred to fight with a sword rather than your magic, so leaving this would only be appropriate, no? After all, when you'd met Eda 10 years ago, you had just started your classes with your parents. 

You held it above your head, plunging it down into the ground, to you that was the official end of your relationship with her.

Eda arched her head down, whistling and polishing her staff to keep herself busy. "Hey! How come you've got a sword?" Luz came rushing out of a room, holding it proud and high, "you never told me you could sword fight!" her eyes twinkled, the blade dangerously close to her neck. "Put it down kid-, you're gonna get hurt." Eda said glumly and promptly got on her staff.

"I'm gonna go to the marketplace or sum'! Don't touch anything!" she flew off, taking the blade away from Luz and thrusting it into the cracks of the floorboards.

You walked through the market street, waves of people flooded the middle of the road, causing you to grumble in frustration. You poked your head over the crowd and pursed your lips together, seeing an oh so familiar woman; showing off a box from the human realm, swarms of hands waved around bags of snails; though they know not to use the device. As the horde cleared out one by one, you sauntered to the front. 

Your gaze fixated on the silver hair woman facing you, waiting for her to make a move, any move. She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes towards you, lifting up your chin with her slender finger, "Ha!," she grinned deviously, inspecting your face closely, "ya here to get back with me, huh? Ghost face?" you pulled away and shook your head, "obviously not, you left without a word, why would I?" you hissed and straightened your posture, brushing a couple clumps of dirt that stuck to your sleeve.

"Hm, don't remember you being this cold" Eda hummed, bringing her hands up and behind her head, you closed your eyes, disinterested in the conversation. Your lips pinned down to a frown, "whatever you say, bird brain." you waved her off solemnly, your palisman fluttering it's wings behind you.

"Halt! You are under arrest, owl lady!" two buff guards ran up to Eda, waving a pair of handcuffs, "of all times.." you whinged and pulled out a elegant, slender blade; "could you not?" you said irritatedly, pointing the sword under one of their necks "I'M here for the owl lady, worry not, I will be with her head soon." wincing at your own words, you couldn't imagine killing someone longed and you still had feelings for. Eda's ears perked up, sensing a lying tone in your voice.

"Y-yes!" they scurried away like hurried mice. She watched you closely, nearing your face once again, "I can fight my own battles, ya know" she said blankly and watched your expression twist into a dumbfounded one. "I'm a fugitive now! I lied to protect you, they'll be reporting this to the emperor any minute now! And if I don't turn you in I'll be wanted for treason!" 

She shrugged and smiled slyly, "I guess you're in my boat now" she sung and rested her face on the backs of her hands. Your face reddened, "you can't be serious..".

"Oh but I am, you've got no where to go now, since you'll be exiled once everyone hears about this" her eyes fluttered half closed, "what do you say?"

You turned away, your cheeks now obviously darkened by a shade of red, "I suppose this will do for a time being." you said, walking behind the table of her stand, as if old times. Only for a short while, you reassured yourself.

♪ ( A / N !! hi lol this is my first fic in a while so please don't judge I may be a bit rusty ^^, i'll continue this depending on how it's received ) 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2021 ⏰

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