Only For You-2

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"So you don't want me because you're scared for me?"

"Yes, Liam. I really like you and I don't wanna put your life in danger because of me"

They were sitting on the couch, with Liam on Zayn's lap. After their heavy make out, they finally decided to talk.

"Don't you think I have a say in this?"

"No, babe. I can't let anything happen to you, not on my life"

"As long as you are with me, nothing will go wrong. Please Zayn, give us a chance" Liam pleaded, he now understood why Zayn acted so tough so that Liam would hate him.

Zayn searched his eyes, but all he could see was honesty, Liam really wanted to be with him.



Zayn rolled his eyes and pulled Liam closer, their faces only a few inches away, "Will you, Liam James Payne, be my boyfriend?"

Liam smiled at him and nodded, "Yes" And kissed him softly.

"Wait, I wanna ask you so many questions" Liam interrupted.

"Really, now?"

"Yes, so first question. Do you really carry a gun with you all the time?"

Zayn tensed and nodded, he didn't want to lie in his relationship. He pulled out a revolver from his back and showed it to Liam.

"I carry it for safety, I've only used it once"


"I can't answer that"

"Oh, it's alright. Next question, do you have any other friends than Mr Tomlinson?"



"Because all the 'friends' in my life have only stabbed me in the back" Zayn gritted, not realizing he was squeezing Liam's hips rather harshly.


Zayn seemed to regain his control and loosened his grip, he quickly removed Liam's jacket and lifted his shirt a bit, red hand print was clearly visible on the pale, soft skin, "I'm so sorry, babe. I hurt you, I'm really sorry" He rubbed smoothly on the skin.

"I'm fine, Zayn. It's not the first time someone did something like that" Liam muttered but Zayn heard him.

"Liam, did something happen to you? Please tell me honestly"

Liam sighed and wrapped his arms around Zayn's neck, "A year ago, I worked at a small firm, you already know it, right. I was starting my final year at uni and I was the youngest employee there. Everyone liked me, they talked to me and I really loved there too. But there was this one guy, he first approached me saying he likes me, he was 30 maybe. But I refused him, I didn't have a good feeling around him. He asked me again a few times, but I still said no"

"Then one day, I had to stay back for work. Harry was going to pick me up and I was waiting for him, when that man suddenly came upon me, he tried to kiss me and tore my shirt away. I was so scared, I felt numb for a minute but then I punched him in the gut and ran out without my shirt, luckily Harry was just outside and he helped me into his car. When I told him everything, he went inside and gave him a good beating. When I finally regained senses, I decided not to complain about him, he has his own life and he was drunk when it happened so I just resigned and never looked back"

"I will kill him"

"It's a story of the past, Zayn. My present is here in front of me. And I don't want anything to ruin this" He placed his palm on Zayn's chest.

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