Alone - Chapter 1

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        48 days have passed since this has all started. I've been alone for most of it. Running from... them. My family is gone. They left for the store that day and never came back. That was the day that the bombs went off, destroying most of the city. I'm actually terrified of what I might find as I leave my house. I haven't left for a long time but I'm starting to run out of supplies. Are there other people? Am I alone? I hope not. My name is Jasper, I am a 17 year old girl, and I am all alone. Or so I thought I was.

As I stepping out of my house I give a cautious look around, my eyes sweeping the yard slowly. It was all clear. I slowly step out into the yard, gripping the hand gun my father gave to me to use just in case something happened. I start to ease my way across the yard, listening for any of the creatures that may be around.

Since it was around sunrise, it was still somewhat dark, making it fairly hard for me to see. I pull a flashlight out of my bag and turn it on, it barely sputtering to life as the batteries drain whatever they have left. I sigh and decide to just save whatever battery life I have left until I can find a store that wasn't completely picked clean. As I keep walking down the long road I see something in the distance. It looks like another house. Finally. Maybe I can scavenge something from this one.

I speed up my walking as I get filled with joy at the thought of potentially getting food for the first time in days. As I approach the house I see that the windows are uncovered, making me wonder if someone has made it to the house before I have. I slowly walk up to the door and grip the handle, taking a deep breath as I turn it. Locked. I curse to myself as I walk back to the yard and stop at the fence. I grip the top and hoist myself over.

I cringe as I land on something that felt like mud. I look down only to see my feet firmly planted in the torn open stomach of a corpse with a gun wound in their head. I gag and try to step out, but to my luck, I get caught on it's innards and trip, landing right in the pool of blood. I make a surprised noise as I hit the ground with a small splash, now covered in who-knows-how-old blood. I shakily untangle my feet and stand up, shaking myself off before I standing up. My eyes go kinda wide as the smell of the blood hits me and I throw up, wiping my mouth off with the cleanest hand I have.

I make a failed attempt at shaking off some of the blood before heading up to the back door. I grip the door handle, turning it quickly. It opens. I smile a bit as I walk inside, cautiously listening for anything. It's empty. I smile more as I close the door behind me, deciding to look around for a while. I discover plenty of canned food and bottled of water. Someone must have been here before me. I shrug it off and stuff as much as I can into my bag. I go upstairs to find some different clothes.

I sigh, finding only guy clothes. I guess it's better than nothing. I strip down and toss the bloody clothing away, slipping into the new ones. They are just a blue t-shirt and some jeans that fit oddly well. After I rest for a while I decide to leave, heading out though the front door. It's around noon by now. It's very hot and sunny, the sun making it hard to see. I put a hand up to shield the sun from my eyes as I walk.

I walk for a few more hours, heading into a small neighborhood. I rest for a little while under a large tree. I lean back and close my eyes, sighing happily in the shade of the tree. But that's when I hear it.

Someone cocks their shotgun and speaks in a threatening tone.

"Don't move."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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