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Most people only like the sun to get a tan, lounging on a reclined chair with glasses protecting their eyes and maybe some music playing in the background for white noise. Gerard, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. I wouldn't say he loathes the sun but it's one of his least favorite things, besides getting a tan, of course.

It took a lot of convincing and empty promises I wasn't going to keep to get this vampire-looking motherfucker outside.

"I don't know why I agreed to this."

"Shut up and enjoy it, it's not that bad," I responded kind of snappy, his attitude gets on my nerves sometimes.

"Your definition of bad is completely different from mine dumbass." I flipped him off which he did right back.

I didn't have to worry about hiding myself in my backyard. We dodged a bullet by having elderly neighbors on both sides of us and never look twice if they saw me, they think I have a weird obsession with wearing cat ears and clipping on a tail.

"You need to cut your hair."

"You need to mind your own business." I clicked my tongue and cringed as one of my fingers got caught in a knot, I shot him a "told you so" look but all he did was roll his eyes and help get my finger untangled.

"Can I at least try and braid your hair again?"

"The last time you braided my hair we couldn't get it untangled for two hours and my scalp still hurts like a motherfucker so, no," Gerard said as he mindlessly plucked grass and ignored the whine I let out.

My back hit the soft padding of the ground as I fell back with a thump, enjoying the rays that bathed my body and stretching my body before melting back onto the grass with a soft sigh. A shot of white flashed at the corner of my eyes and I looked over to see Gerard hunched over...something so being the curious cat that I am, I slowly pushed myself up and almost snorted at what he was doing.

"You're making a flower crown?" I stifled my laughter.

"Yes and I'm making it for you so shut up before I change my mind and destroy it."

My ears perked up at that and I felt myself blush a little at the gesture but I quickly zip my mouth shut with a faux key and placed it in his open palm for him to stuff it in one of his jean pockets before getting back to his craft. I watched patiently as he continued to weave the stems and petals together so effortlessly that I didn't even notice he finished it until he snapped in my face.

"You know you didn't have to make me one." Gerard shrugged and nestled it in my curls, making sure my ears weren't bothered before sitting back.

A comfortable silence draped over us as I went back to enjoying the rays, letting my eyes fall shut, and going back to my original position laying on the grass. I felt Gerard shift and lay down before taking my hand in his, I didn't open my eyes but I squeezed his hand which he did back.

"Oh yeah, I texted Mikey if he wanted to come over and he said sure, he's bringing Ray along as well."

"When did this happen?" I mumbled.

"Like, twenty minutes ago." He said nonchalantly, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

I sat up but kept our fingers intertwined, staring down at him while he gazed up at me, "When are they coming over?"

Gerard fumbled for his phone from his pocket and checked the time, "Um, in five minutes."

"Fucking Christ Gerard, couldn't you have told me this ten minutes ago?" I tugged him off the ground and pulled him towards the back entrance.

It's one thing letting Gerard know but there's no way in hell I'm letting Mikey and/or Ray found out cause I know at least one of them will run their mouth to their other friends. Gerard didn't put much of a fight as I dragged him up to my room, in his mind I'm probably doing him a favor getting him out of the sun, more or less getting him inside.

I forcefully pulled a beanie on once I had taken off the flower crown and carefully placed it on my dresser before tugging on pants, sadly the pants being jeans since they had my tail better than sweatpants.

"Mikey challenged you in Mario Kart." Gerard piped up from my bed.

I held back a snort, "Tell him I'm going to kick his ass."

He hummed in response and plopped down next to him, letting out a whimper as I accidentally sat on my tail. Fuck, I hate when I do that. Gerard raised a brow at me but I just shook my head and repositioned my tail. Not long after rapid pounding at the door caught our attention, Gerard and I exchanged looks before getting up to answer.

I didn't flinch when I opened the door and having Mikey shove his way in and towards the living room, leaving Ray standing alone with a questionable look on his face but I just held the door open and ushered him inside.

"He plans on beating me in Mario Kart," I said to fill him in.

"He knows he's going to lose, right?"

"Yep but it's just fun watching him lose miserably."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2022 ⏰

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