Stardust crusaders as boyfriends <3

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hey y'all..... for my loyal readers and amazing and loving fans (don't check my follower count pls) you may recall me having posted a "stardust crusaders as boyfriends" story already, but, since I am a sussy little baka baby, I accidentally deleted a bunch of stuff on so I decided to remake it and even better now ! So enjoy this second sdc as boyfriends haha


Jotaro -
- seems distant, but when you're alone he loosens up a bit
- leaves you books that he loves to read and hopes you like them too
- very rough with you
- makes sarcastic comments 24/7
- the problem is you can't tell when he's serious or not
- likes walking to fast food places after school with you to get food
- listening to music in his room on weekends

Kakyoin -
- very shy and doesn't know how to ask if you're ok with him holding your hand or kissing you
- brings you small gifts, like keychains of your favorite characters or stuffed animals
- remembers every little thing, he doesn't wanna mess up his first relationship w/ such a cool person
- tells his mom all about you
- likes helping you study, if you're smart then he'll pretend he doesn't understand something so he can spend time with you
- you're his best friend and s/o

Avdol -
- his inner crackhead comes out a bit more when you're alone
- always making you laugh and showing you how to do things you've never even heard about before
- buys you clothes he thinks you'd look cute in
- likes to read with you, like he'll make you tea and you guys will sit in comfortable silence with the lights dimmed while reading poetry or psychology books
- randomly hugs you and compliments you
- this man loves you so much

Polnareff -
- acts like he's some kind of macho man
- always makes sure you're comfortable no matter what,
- overreacts to everything too but in a cute way, like when you're on your period he will literally clear out the pad aisle and go bankrupt
- terrible cook but makes you meals all the time,
- probably says dumb things like 'lady bro' or 'awesome sauce' 'gnarly' those kinds of things
- loves driving around with all the windows rolled down blasting early 2000s -2010s pop music

Joseph -
- surprisingly romantic ??
- flirts with everyone and everything infront of you shamelessly just because he wants to see your reaction
- teasing you 24/7
- randomly buys you super expensive gifts for no reason too??? Oh yeah here's a new lambo and diamond ring btw
- please just do 1 crossword puzzle with him
- takes you to the movies to watch boring/lame adventure, comedy or romantic movies, usually leaves the theatre crying
- dad jokes but in a good way

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