game night p.1

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this is kinda a whole pjo one shot with a bunch of characters

I leaned back into the plastic chair I was sitting in, desperately trying to find a way to make it more comfortable. I was late to the head counselor meeting, so of course, I got the worst chair. Travis smirked at me from his place next to Connor and Leo on the couch when he saw me squirm. I glared at him and he grinned back.

I turned my attention back to where Annabeth was explaining why we needed to do more camp activities besides capture the flag.

"A lot of the time, campers are just sitting in their cabin not doing anything. Free choice is fun, but most kids just wait until we have capture the flag or dinner, which isn't healthy." She explained.

Chiron nodded in understanding. "You're right, does anyone have any ideas on what we could do to help?" He asked us all.

I glanced over at Piper who was lounging in a rocking chair eating some of the nachos we had. She shrugged at me before saying, "My cabin is always volunteering to do makeovers for people, but I'm going to take a random guess and say not everyone wants that."

Chiron nodded, a small smile on his lips. "While I appreciate the offer, I think you're right." He turned back towards the rest of us. "Any other ideas? Some that might be more appealing to everyone."

"The Stolls and I could teach people how to prank." Leo said enthusiastically, Connor and Travis nodding their heads in agreement.

"I don't think we need any more of that." I muttered, causing Annabeth to smile at me and Clarrise to say, "I'm with Gardener. One more hair dye prank from you guys and you are all dead."

Travis ignored Clarrise and focused his blue eyes on me. "Do you have any better suggestions Katie Kat? Besides teaching everyone the joys of weeding." He said sarcastically, doing his stupid smirk.

"Actually, I do." I said, dragging everyone's attention towards me. I blushed slightly and then straightened. "What if we did a game night? We have decks of cards, a Monopoly, and a few other board games so why don't we use those?"

Chiron nodded at me, "Yes, that would be a good idea. But we have far too many campers for everyone to use them all."

Annabeth jumped in, "We could bring other things and do rotations. My cabin has tons of paper and pencils, so some kids could do colouring or arts and crafts."

Jason nodded along, "Maybe we could get a movie or something one night? We have that old projector and there's a Walmart not far from here with $1 movies."

Chiron smiled, "Perfect. Let's start with board games and arts and crafts, then we can figure out when to do a movie night."

I smiled at Travis, satisfied that my idea was picked and his wasn't. He rolled his eyes and turned back to whatever Leo was trying to explain.


I walked into the Big house, 5 of my siblings following me. Because Chiron made our game night optional, Miranda was staying back at our cabin to watch over the other Demeter kids who didn't want to go.

There were a bunch of different areas to play games set up in the first room, and some to colour or make bracelets.

I turned back to my siblings and said, "Ok guys, you can go hang out with your friends or play games now. We are heading back to the cabin at 8:30, so be aware of your time limit." We had already had dinner, and Chiron decided an hour and a half was enough time for all of us to hang out.

"Katie!" I heard a voice shout. I turned around and saw Piper running towards me. "I'm trying to convince more of the head counselors to play Monopoly with me, can you help?" She pleaded.

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