Chapter 7: You

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Dutchess Yolanda stopped by about midday. Right when I was sitting down to eat lunch. Of course I have to serve her right away.

We start talking about dress color and design. Well, she starts talking about what she wants and expects me to listen. Despite her rude and entitled way of talking, she has some good ideas. For instance, she wants the dress made out of a rich blue fabric that matches her eyes. Apparently the king's favorite color is blue and she wants to impress him.

The design of the dress is a fitted bodice, styled like Kylie Jenner's green Christmas dress. The straps are slightly off-the-shoulder. Though, the most detailed part of the dress is the skirt. It tapers down into a small train in the back. The skirt itself is embroidered with a wide variety of sea life, ranging from star fish to clown fish to sea anemones. Over the deep blue material is a layer of deep blue tulle. The perfect under-the-sea inspired dress.

We spend the better part of the day working on it. I had Jordan close the shop after her adamant... demands. So the Dutchess and I spend the day on this dress. At least that's how it went before James walks in. All I saw was a flash of blonde hair before he was gone.

"That's James!"

"Yeah, I know him. He's new in town, I guess. Wait. How do you know him?"

"He's the king! Of course I know him!"

"What?" It seems like my world is an incomplete puzzle, and I'm left staring at the void created by that missing piece's absence. My face must show the brokenness I'm feeling inside because Jordan runs up and wraps an arm around my shoulders.

"Dutchess, I'm sure you're wrong."

"What did you just say to me?" Her voice is dangerously low, like she's threatening us. I cower behind Jordan, scared of what's about to happen.

"I didn't mean anything by it. It's just, the first time he came in here he looked like a mess and was dripping mud on the floor. Its kinda hard to believe that he is a king."

"Do I care? That man is the king and I demand to know why he is visiting this dingy, rundown shop run by a poor peasant girl."

"Ok, that's enough. You might be royalty, but we still own this business, and we can decide who to serve here."

"You know what?" I quietly pipe up from behind Jordan still. "It's getting late. Let's all get some sleep and we can continue this in the morning when we're well rested."

Dutchess Yolanda gives me a final death stare before storming out the door. Jordan pulls me into a hug and I nearly start crying.

"I thought she was gonna hurt us."

"What could she possibly have done to us?"

"I thought she was gonna have us arrested."

"She doesn't have that authority. Only the king does."

"What if James really is the king? What if she's going to convince him to arrest us?"

"(Y/n), if what I've heard it true, the king doesn't even want to marry any of his suitors. His father is making him choose. And besides, if James really is the king, do you think he'd arrest someone who was nice to him when he needed it most? Maybe he even likes you."

"Jordan! Don't be ridiculous! Still, if he is the king, he lied to us. He lied to me. And you know how I feel about people who lie to me."

"If he did lie, I'm sure he had a good reason." Jordan pulls back from our hug and boops me on the nose with his pointer finger. "Any guy who could lie to you without a good reason isn't worth having."

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