Chapter 3 Splishin and Splashin Before Meeting A Little Fox

Start from the beginning

     You were about to tell the others goodbye until you suddenly were slung over Sun's shoulder. Shocked at what just happened you were given no time to prepare as Sun suddenly jumped off the edge. He was laughing wildly as you hit his back yelling, "You Stupid Monkey!" He pays your yelling no mind as he continues to laugh before he yells, "Uh Oh! It's a Loooooong Waaaaay Dowwwn!" You screamed out, "Hah! That's what you gettttttt!"


      Our scene turns to a giant, dead fish being pulled by a female figure with white, furry ears and a white outfit. Dragging it far enough before letting go, the female panted before yelling out, "Time for Dinner." At her words an armadillo spirit popped up saying, "I'm starving!" Near the armadillo, an owl spirit emerged saying, "What? Time for dinner!" Nearby a lizard spirit leaped our from the vegetation exclaiming, "I am So Hungry!" Behind them a mouse spirit followed; behind the armadillo spirit a panda spirit yelled, "Dinner time!"

      Some time after their feast, we find the female cleaning off the lizard while the panda burps saying, "I am so full." Near the three, the other beings are chatting. Suddenly, black smoke appears in the vegetation, seeing this, the female excitedly gets up and approaches. Reaching the grass, the female dissolved into white smoke before a familiar white fox stood in its place. The small fox walks to the sitting horned demon.

     Seeing the small creature, the horned demon reaches out and gently pets them. Showing a gentleness never seen before, the horned demon praises, "Good girl. I have cared for you and your village for so long. Now, the time has come for me to collect a debt." Stopping his petting, he states, "Go to the Mount Huaguo and find your old friend. No matter what happens don't get involved, don't ask questions, just stay by his side. Above all, keep our relationship secret."

     He watched as the fox nods their head while he smiled.

———————Back to Y/N & Sun———————-

      Your arms cut through the water as you brought them back to your body before repeating the action. Beside you Sun watched in amusement, even underwater he couldn't help but laugh. While air would have been a problem for any normal monkeys; both had been taught tricks from their respective masters that kept them from having to deal with it. Seeing that your ridiculously adorable swimming wasn't getting you anywhere fast, Sun grabbed your hand before pulling you with him. You huffed at his actions before softly smiling and swimming with him.

      Your eyes flitted from place to place as you took in the underwater scenery. Everything's so different here! Yet it works just the same! While you were busy sightseeing, Sun paused at the distance sight of the Dragon Palace. Looking up at the soft tug, you awed at the distant palace. Sun smiled before nodding his head towards it and pulled you both towards it.

    The both of you hadn't even swam that far before a tongue darted out at you both. Wrapping around your bodies, you panicked as both of you were pulled into the waiting jaws of a predator fish. Your eyes darted around as you both were trapped in the dark stomach, outside you heard the distinct burping noise. With the little light there you looked to Sun, your face worried. Seeing your panic, Sun whispered, "Don't worry Y/N, I'll get us out of here!" You watched as Sun yelled out, "My friend, let me tell you. I am giving you a chance."

     Before you knew it, Sun started punching the walls wildly until you felt both of you get spat out. Below you, you saw the fish that ate you both, dead. Sun held you hand as you both floated down. Reaching the floor beside the fish, Sun stated, "You guys are safe now." Being out of that fish's stomach, you both stretched as Sun laughed before saying, "I found a very mean fish. I killed it for you. Do you have a reward for me?" Your eyes watched as a man adorned in royal attire, stood up and pointed at Sun stating, "You! You killed my security guard? You! You! Who are you?" You grew suspicious at the quick change in character from the male. First he sounded angry, then quickly became like a nervous mess.

Sun Wukong x Reader The Monkey King: Havoc In Heaven's PalaceWhere stories live. Discover now